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South of this, the valley of the Tunkrachoo opens, backed by sharp snowed pinnacles, which form the continuation of the Chola range; over which a pass leads to the Phari district of Tibet, which intervenes between Sikkim and Bhotan. Southwards the view is bounded by snowy mountains, and the valley seems blocked up by the remarkable moraine-like spur which I passed above Keadom.

Three days afterwards he overtook us at Keadom, radiant with joy at having found the instrument: he had gone up to the hot springs, and vainly sought around them that evening; then rather than lose the chance of a day-light search on his way back, he had spent the cold October night in the hot water, without fire or shelter, at 16,000 feet above the sea.

A very bad road led to the village of Keadom, situated on a flat terrace several hundred feet above the river, and 6,609 feet above the sea, where I spent the night. Here are cultivated plantains and maize, although the elevation is equal to parts of Dorjiling, where these plants do not ripen.

Top of Kongra Lama Tibet frontier Elevation View Vegetation Descent to Tungu Tungu-choo Ponies Kinchinjhow and Changokhang mountains Palung plains Tibetans Dogs Dingcbam province of Tibet Inhabitants Dresses Women's ornaments Blackening faces Coral Tents Elevation of Palung Lama Shawl-wool goats Shearing Siberian plants Height of glaciers, and perpetual snow Geology Plants, and wild animals Marmots Insects Birds Choongtam Lama Religious exercises Tibetan hospitality Delphinium Perpetual snow Temperature at Tungu Return to Tallum Samdong To Lamteng Houses Fall of Barometer Cicadas Lime deposit Landslips Arrival at Choongtam Cobra Rageu Heat of Climate Velocity and volume of rivers measured Leave for Lachoong valley Keadom General features of valley Lachoong village Tunkra mountain Moraines Cultivation Lachoong Phipun Lama ceremonies beside a sick-bed.

The river above Keadom is again crossed, by a plank bridge, at a place where the contracted streams flow between banks forty feet high, composed of obscurely stratified gravel, sand, and water-worn boulders. Above this the path ascends lofty flat-topped spurs, which overhang the river, and command some of the most beautiful scenery in Sikkim.

Ascent of Bhomtso View of snowy mountains Chumulari Arun river Kiang-lah mountains Jigatzi Lhama Dingcham province of Tibet Misapplication of term "Plain of Tibet" Sheep, flocks of Crops Probable elevation of Jigatzi Yarn Tsampu river Tame elephants Wild horses Dryness of air Sunset beams Rocks of Kinchinjhow Cholamoo lakes Limestone Dip and strike of rocks Effects of great elevation on party Ascent of Donkia Moving piles of debris Cross Donkia pass Second Visit to Momay Samdong Hot springs Descent to Yeumtong Lachoong Retardation of vegetation again noticed Jerked meat Fish Lose a thermometer Lepcha lad sleeps in hot spring Keadom Bucklandia Arrive at Choongtam Mendicant Meepo Lachen-Lachoong river Wild grape View from Singtam of Kinchinjunga Virulent nettle.

Narr." iv. 195, who states that on Christianity being introduced into Iceland, the natives refused to be baptised in any but the water of the Geysers. The villagers at Keadom, where we slept on the 26th, were busy cutting the crops of millet, maize, and Amaranthus.