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The torch was applied to the chopped grass and shawl-wool. Both blazed and smoked, and smouldered; and, more being thrown on, the blaze was kept up continuously. The heated air ascended through the aperture, causing the great sphere of stitched skins to swell out to its full dimensions. It trembled and rocked from side to side, like some huge monster in pain.

Karl had adopted their idea; and had provided chopped grass as a substitute for the chopped straw, and in lieu of sheep's wool he had procured a quantity of the poshm of the ibex, and other animals, that had been killed the rich shawl-wool of Cashmere! The car, which has already been described as a sort of deep hamper, was not over three feet in diameter.

In striking the ibex in his descent, the bird had buried its crooked claws deeply into the soft abdomen of the animal, but in attempting to draw them out again, had found no doubt to its great chagrin that the thick coating of "poshm" which covered the skin of the ibex, had become entangled round its shanks; and the more it fluttered to free itself, turning round and round in the effort, the stronger and tighter became the rope which it was twisting out of that celebrated staple the shawl-wool of Cashmere!

The hair is short, something in texture like that of the burrell and other wild sheep; and in the cold weather is mixed with a very soft downy wool, resembling the shawl-wool of Thibet. This and the old hair is shed in May and June; and in districts occupied by the flocks at that season the bushes and sharp corners of rocks are covered with their cast-off winter coats.

Top of Kongra Lama Tibet frontier Elevation View Vegetation Descent to Tungu Tungu-choo Ponies Kinchinjhow and Changokhang mountains Palung plains Tibetans Dogs Dingcbam province of Tibet Inhabitants Dresses Women's ornaments Blackening faces Coral Tents Elevation of Palung Lama Shawl-wool goats Shearing Siberian plants Height of glaciers, and perpetual snow Geology Plants, and wild animals Marmots Insects Birds Choongtam Lama Religious exercises Tibetan hospitality Delphinium Perpetual snow Temperature at Tungu Return to Tallum Samdong To Lamteng Houses Fall of Barometer Cicadas Lime deposit Landslips Arrival at Choongtam Cobra Rageu Heat of Climate Velocity and volume of rivers measured Leave for Lachoong valley Keadom General features of valley Lachoong village Tunkra mountain Moraines Cultivation Lachoong Phipun Lama ceremonies beside a sick-bed.

At length arrived the hour for making that important experiment as to whether their aerial ship would prove herself air-worthy. All three stood around the spot where the chopped grass and shawl-wool were to be set on fire. This fuel itself appeared underneath in a little heap lightly laid, and ready for the touch of the tinder.