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The vegetation at Lachoong was still beautiful, and the weather mild, though snow had descended to 14,000 feet on Tunkra. Compositae were abundantly in flower, apples in young fruit, bushes of Cotoneaster covered with scarlet berries, and the brushwood silvery with the feathery heads of Clematis.

Returning to the foot of the glacier, I took up my quarters for two days under an enormous rock overlooking the broad flat valley in which I had spent the previous night, and directly fronting Tunkra mountain, which bore north about five miles distant.

Leave Lachoong for Tunkra pass Moraines and their vegetation Pines of great dimensions Wild currants Glaciers Summit of pass Elevation Views Plants Winds Choombi district Lacheepia rock Extreme cold Kinchinjunga Himalayan grouse Meteorological observations Return to Lachoong Oaks Ascent to Yeumtong Flats and debacles Buried pine-trunks Perpetual snow Hot springs Behaviour of Singtam Soubah Leave for Momay Samdong Upper limit of trees Distribution of plants Glacial terraces, etc.

Very few plants grew amongst the stones at the top of the Tunkra pass, and those few were mostly quite different from those of Palung and Kongra Lama. Clouds obscured all distant view. The temperature varied between noon and 1.30 p.m. from 39 degrees to 40.5 degrees, the air being extremely damp.

Chumulari lies to the E.N.E. of the Tunkra pass, and is only twenty-six miles distant, but not seen; Phari is two marches off, in an easterly direction, and Choombi one to the south-east.

A gently sloping saddle, bare of snow, which succeeds the glacier, forms the top of the Tunkra pass; it unites two snowy mountains, and opens on the great valley of the Machoo, which flows in a part of Tibet between Sikkim and Bhotan; its height is 16,083 feet above the sea by barometer, and 16,137 feet by boiling-point.

Top of Kongra Lama Tibet frontier Elevation View Vegetation Descent to Tungu Tungu-choo Ponies Kinchinjhow and Changokhang mountains Palung plains Tibetans Dogs Dingcbam province of Tibet Inhabitants Dresses Women's ornaments Blackening faces Coral Tents Elevation of Palung Lama Shawl-wool goats Shearing Siberian plants Height of glaciers, and perpetual snow Geology Plants, and wild animals Marmots Insects Birds Choongtam Lama Religious exercises Tibetan hospitality Delphinium Perpetual snow Temperature at Tungu Return to Tallum Samdong To Lamteng Houses Fall of Barometer Cicadas Lime deposit Landslips Arrival at Choongtam Cobra Rageu Heat of Climate Velocity and volume of rivers measured Leave for Lachoong valley Keadom General features of valley Lachoong village Tunkra mountain Moraines Cultivation Lachoong Phipun Lama ceremonies beside a sick-bed.