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Updated: August 10, 2024

He did make one or two attempts to induce old Jeph to explain why he was out in such a stormy night, and on such a lonely spot; but the old man refused to be communicative, and finally put a stop to the subject by telling Tommy to let other people's business alone, and asking him how it happened that Long Orrick came to make an attempt on his house, and how it was he failed?

He has a welcome and a husband ready for you and Rusha both?" "D'ye think I would go and leave you for Jeph, if he were lord of ten castles?" And Ben, whose recollections of Jeph were very dim, exclaimed, "Lord of a castle! I shall have a crow over Nick Blane now!"

"So you shall some day, Patty," said her brother, "but there's no getting into Bristol to buy one or to sell butter now. Hark! they are beginning again," as the growl of a heavy piece of cannon shook the ground. "I wonder where our Jeph is," said the little girl sadly. "How could he like to go among all those cruel fighting men? You won't go, Stead?" "No, indeed, I have got something else to do."

The latter met him near the threshold. "Why, Jeph, is this you? I've bin searchin' for ye more than an hour, and come to the conclusion ye must ha' gone home; but why, you're ill, Jeph!" "Ay, I'm ill, come, help me home." "Nay, not this night, you shall stop with me; the missus'll give you a cup o' tea as will do yer old heart good."

Sloggett put him through a perfect catechism on Jeph and his fortunes, which he answered at first almost monosyllabically, though afterwards he could speak a little more freely, when the questions did not go quite beyond his knowledge. Finally he succeeded in asking permission to take Emlyn and show her his brother's letter. Mrs.

"Well, Bluenose, hoo d'ye find yerself to-day?" inquired Supple Rodger one fine morning, as the Captain sauntered slowly along the beach in front of his hut, with his hands deep in the pockets of his pilot-coat. "Thankee, I amongst the middlings. How's yerself?" "I like myself," said Rodgers; "how's old Jeph?"

He suspected that Jeph would have consideration enough for his sisters and for the property that he considered his own to be unwilling to show the way to their valley; and he also reflected that it would be well that whatever might happen to himself should be out of sight of his sisters.

We return, now, to the coast of Kent, and beg the reader to follow us into the Smuggler's Cave at Saint Margaret's Bay. Here, in a dark corner, sat old Jeph. It was a stormy Sunday afternoon. The old man had gone to the Bay to visit Coleman, and accompany him to his place of worship. Jeph had wandered alone in the direction of the cave after church.

"Halloa, Stead Kenton, not a word to say?" "He likes being catechised, standing as he does like a stuck pig, and answering never a word," cried Jack. "I do," said Steadfast, "and why not?" "Parson's darling! Parson's darling!" shouted the boys. "A malignant! Off with him." They had begun to hustle him, when Jeph threw himself between and cried: "Hit Steadfast, and you must hit me first."

Bax said this so kindly, that old Jeph's temporary anger at having been discovered passed away. "Well, well," said he, "the only two people who have found me out are the two I like best, so it don't much matter." "Indeed," exclaimed the young man in surprise, "who is number two, Jeph?" "Tommy Bogey. He found me here on the night when Long Orrick was chased by Supple Jim."

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