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Fair and dark heads, rosy faces looked forth in charming clusters. They sang, they chattered. It made no difference to them that it was not the season for a straw-ride, that the trusses were musty. They inhaled the fragrance of blooming boughs under which they rode, and were quite oblivious to all discomfort and unpleasantness.

The young orphan inhaled this incense with delight; he contracted enormous debts, and soon did not know where to turn to pay them. The King, well informed of these excesses, commanded M. le Duc de la Feuillade to have the young man followed, and inform himself of all he did.

She is an inquisitive girl, she is vehement, she has been brought up in an atmosphere where depravity is more generally inhaled than holiness. I should then be badly advised in presenting you with an angel of candour and wisdom. An angel! She is at that age indeed, at which foolish men call women angels.

Murray picked it up, inhaled the fragrance, rearranged some of the geranium leaves that had been crushed, and, smiling bitterly all the while, bowed, and put it securely in her hand. "Edna, you have no other engagement for to-morrow?" "Yes, madam, I have promised to spend it with Mr. Hammond." "Then you must excuse yourself, for I will not have Gordon disappointed again."

The Quimbeys watchfully kept about him in a close squad, his pink sun-bonnet, in which his head was eclipsed, visible among their brawny jeans shoulders, as his mother carried him in her arms. The sheriff looked smilingly after him from the court-house steps, then inhaled a long breath, and began to roar out to the icy air the name of a witness wanted within.

In the spring the violets' scented breath recalled her whenever I inhaled their fragrance; while, the nightingale's amorous trills we had nightingales to visit us in our suburb, closely situated as it was to London appeared to me to embody the impassioned words that Tennyson puts in the mouth of his love-wooing sea maiden

Everything filled him with ecstasy, even the blades of grass, the pebbles in the paths, the invisible puffs of air that flitted over his cheeks. His whole body entered into possession of this stretch of nature; he embraced it with his limbs, he drank it in with his lips, he inhaled it with his nostrils, he carried it in his ears and hid it in the depths of his eyes. It was his own.

"The German system is a marvel, one of the wonders of civilization." She turned away, lightly singing a line from one of her late numbers: "I've a Yankee boy bound for Berlin." Morice stirred uneasily. "They got a Danish tanker somewhere off Nantucket," he continued impotently. August Turnbull refused to be drawn into further speech; he inhaled his cigar with a replete bodily contentment.

You must be aware that the lining of the upper air-passages arrests most of the impurities contained in the inhaled air before it comes into contact with the blood in the lungs themselves.

It is like the opium-smoker's showing you the pipe from which he has just inhaled elysian bliss, empty of the precious extract which has given him his dream. I did not care much for the new Academy building on my right, nor for the new library building on my left. But for these it was surprising to see how little the scene I remembered in my boyhood had changed.