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Updated: August 27, 2024

The rich and guilty province was oppressed by the Imperial ministers, who had a visible interest to multiply the number of the accomplices of Gildo; and if an edict of Honorius seems to check the malicious industry of informers, a subsequent edict, at the distance of ten years, continues and renews the prosecution of the which had been committed in the time of the general rebellion.

Many letters written at the time, which have been preserved, as well as reports of spies and informers, dispatched to the court of England from Spain, Portugal, Belgium, France, and Italy, give us an insight into the life led by those noblemen in foreign countries. They were sometimes supported by the sovereigns who received them; but at others neglected and reduced to shifts for a living.

"Then we carefully surround him with counterspies wire his rooms with dictaphones, slit his mail, install secret informers on his staff. All because no matter who the party is able to elect we don't trust him because the society he represents does not trust itself." "Is that why we have more and bigger jails than ever?" Philon shrugged.

Hunted like wild beasts from hiding-place to hiding-place, decimated by the stake, with the certainty that however many years they might be reprieved, their own lives would close at last in the same fiery trial; beset by informers, imprisoned, racked, and scourged; worst of all, haunted by their own infirmities, the flesh shrinking before the dread of a death of agony, thus it was that they struggled on; earning for themselves martyrdom, for us, the free England in which we live and breathe.

For it will bring security to the city party for the past, and for the Piraeus party their form of government will remain the longest time. 29. These are the ones you should trust with much more reason than those who in exile were brought back through others and become informers on their return.

No sooner had the bishops obtained this law for suppressing all other meetings but their own, but some of the clergy of most ranks, and some others too who were overmuch bigoted to that party, bestirred themselves with might and main to find out and encourage the most profligate wretches to turn informers, and to get such persons into parochial offices as would be most obsequious to their commands, and ready at their beck to put it into the most rigorous execution.

But these despatches of my politic mother's private correspondent put a new face on the whole matter; for it seems some of the informers a trade which, having become a thriving one, is now pursued by many have dared to glance at the Countess herself as an agent in this same plot ay, and have found those that are willing enough to believe their report."

From the moment he had seen her enter that cellar, he had made up his mind to sacrifice his future usefulness, to throw off the impenetrable, solidly fastened mask it had been his pride to wear " "What do you mean?" I interrupted, puzzled. "Was it Sevrin, then, who was " "He was. The most persistent, the most dangerous, the craftiest, the most systematic of informers. A genius amongst betrayers.

Some had come with petitions, others had been summoned to undergo examinations; and several informers, I have no doubt were hoping to obtain a reward for their treachery. I sent in my card by an aide-de-camp, requesting an interview with his Excellency. To my surprise, we were almost immediately admitted.

'There's not the least necessity, she said, 'for you to meet them until the time for starting comes. In fact, I may say it is safer for none of you to know each other. Hyacinth experienced a thrill of agreeable excitement. He felt that he was engaged in a real conspiracy. 'For fear of informers? he asked. 'Yes. One never can be quite sure of anyone.

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