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"We were all of the same mind," said Lady Susanna. "Alice said it would be quite cruel that mamma should be moved." Alice was now the wife of Canon Holdenough. "It would have been very bad for us all to go away," said Lady Amelia. "George was altogether against it," said Lady Susanna. "And the Dean," said Lady Amelia, indiscreetly. "The Dean!" exclaimed the Marquis.

"Of course I know you are making him take her when he would rather a hundred times go with Patty Vetch." The frown on Mrs. Culpeper's face turned to a look of panic. "Mary Byrd, you are impossible," she said sternly. "I saw Cousin Corinna yesterday," observed Victoria indiscreetly. "She is going to take Patty Vetch." Mrs. Culpeper said nothing, but her fine black brows drew ominously together.

And then she went away, and they sent for her because Mrs. Waterman is ill." Randy rather indiscreetly flung out, "It seems as if the trail of that Waterman crowd is over our world. I suppose we shall have to get the news of this up to them somehow." "I can telephone Mr. Dalton, sir." "Is Dalton still there?" "Yes, sir.

Now this distinction, subtle and insignificant as it was to the eye and the ear, caused a vast deal of heart-burning and disappointment among the young people of Leaphigh. Several serious lawsuits had grown out of this cause, and two great political parties had taken root in the unfortunate mistake of a young monikin of quality, who happened to lisp, and who used the fatal word indiscreetly.

It seems to me that the bare enunciation of the principle is all that is necessary for my justification. I am speaking now of the propriety of my action, not of the manner in which it was performed. I may have executed the task well or ill. I may have introduced topics unadvisedly, and urged them indiscreetly. All this I leave without remark.

If so, he certainly does more harm than good, though he may like the popularity which he is rich enough to buy." "It means that he does not exact more than his due," said the rector indiscreetly. "When I hear a man so highly praised for common honesty I am of course led to suppose that dishonesty in his particular trade is the common rule.

"What dis?" said she, one morning, as she was rummaging over some packages indiscreetly left on the sofa. "O Emma! see Ally!" exclaimed Eliza, darting forward; but too late, for the flaxen curls and blue eyes of a wax doll had already appeared. "Now she'll know all about it," said Eliza, despairingly.

He was speaking to the beautiful Marchioness G , to whom Gama had indiscreetly confided that I thought her the handsomest woman amongst his eminence's guests. "Her grace," said the Cardinal, "wishes to know whether you are making rapid progress in the French language, which she speaks admirably." I answered in Italian that I had learned a great deal, but that I was not yet bold enough to speak.

Darlington's native conventionality, and made him conscious of the fact that, perhaps almost indiscreetly, he was bandying words with a maid-servant. He put up one hand to his beard, pulled at it, and then said, almost in his usual voice: "Is Mrs. Leith in?" "She's in the garden, sir." "In the garden?" "Yes, sir." "Is is Mr. Leith at home?" "He's just come home, sir, and gone to Mrs.

One day, however, a party of our Malays, accompanied by myself, imprudently ventured into the forbidden country, and soon came to a native village, at which we halted. The people here were suspicious of us from the first, and when one of my men indiscreetly offended a native, half the village rose against us, and we had to beat a retreat.