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The urbanity of manner and blandness of expression increased as he returned the salutation. "T'anks, t'anks. I vill go for hubble vat you call hobble me horse," he said, taking the animal's bridle and leading it a short distance from the fire. "I don't like the look of him," whispered Fred to Paul when he was out of earshot. "Sure, an' I howld the same opinion," said Flinders. "Pooh!

"Molly," says he, "when I know I can get between those bars there, and run round the college park in three minutes and twelve seconds, I feel that there's not many a gaol in Ireland can howld, and the divil a policeman in the island could catch, me." And she had to lean over the back of a chair to steady herself while she laughed at the conceit.

"Arrah! howld yer noise, an' I'll hear better," cried Teddy Maroon, looking over the top edge of the lighthouse. "My thumb's caught i' the chain!" yelled Dorkin. "Ease it off." "Och! poor thing," exclaimed Teddy, springing back and casting loose the chain. "Are ye aisy now?" he cried, again looking down at his friend.

"An' what does it matter to me, Teddy Malone, whether he blows the steam off, or keeps it down till he bursts his biler? Is it a descendant o' the royal family o' Munster as'll howld her tongue whin she sees cruelty and injustice?"

Blazes, but won't there be a big squeal in purgatory when the divil gits howld of him!" And Teddy seemed to contemplate the imaginary scene in Hades with a sense of intense satisfaction. "But it's powerful strange you could never git on the trail.

"'Twas poor Sadleir, of Tipperary town, brought the man down. Sadleir must howld land; nothin' less would sarve him, an' he tuk from Smith-Barry a big houldin', an' paid the out-going tenant five thousand pounds for his interest. Whin the throubles began he refused to join the Land League, by raison that he'd put all his money in the land.

The Tyrone tuk a little orf'cer bhoy, but divil a bit was he in command, as I'll dimonstrate presintly. We an' they came over the brow av the hill, wan on each side av the gut, an' there was that ondacint Reserve waitin' down below like rats in a pit. "'Howld on, men, sez Crook, who tuk a mother's care av us always.

Blast your insurance! be this an' be that, for a farden I'd malivogue the devil out o' you." "We're not puttin' it past you, madam, you're blaggard enough to fight like a man; but we're not goin' to make a blaggard an' a bully of ourselves, in the mane time." "That's bekase you haven't the blood of a hen in you * sure we know what you are! But howld! be me sowl, you're doin' me for all that.

After an anxious search they discovered a bowlder lying in the river beneath the shelf, with a flat surface perfectly suited to their purpose. There, too, was a cleft, but a miserably small one. "We can't jam a cord in that," said Glover; "nor the handle of a paddle nuther." "It'll howld me bagonet," suggested Sweeny. "It can be made to hold it," decided Thurstane.

"Ah! good luck to 'ee," exclaimed the driver, in tones that were unmistakably Irish, "here, howld 'is head till I get the sled clear." "All right," cried the Englishman, seizing the reins near the mouth of the terrified animal and holding its head forcibly down, while Le Rue assisted the owner to unharness. In a few minutes the vehicle was righted, and the horse released.