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Updated: August 19, 2024

George Tucker never went to bed. "Hooraw!" roared Long Snapps, trundling in to dinner, the next day; "they're wakin' up down to Bostin! Good many on 'em's quit the town. Them 'are Britishers is a-gettin' up sech a breeze; an' they doo say the reg'lars is comin' out full sail, to cair' off all the amminition in these parts, fear o' mutiny 'mongst the milishy!"

Crack goes the oar of the Atalanta's captain, and up flash its splintered fragments, as the stem of her boat springs past the line, eighteen inches at least ahead of the Algonquin. Hooraw for the Lantas! Hooraw for the Girls! Hooraw for the Institoot! shout a hundred voices.

"Hooraw for you! come along, let's licker up all round, and have a dance; you're the gal for my beaver; bully for old Missouri!" Suddenly, a pistol was discharged in a remote corner of the room, and there was an instantaneous rush in that quarter, succeeded by loud cries, oaths, blows, shooting, din, and confusion.

'Ee up, niggur," he continued, grasping the long hair of the savage, and holding the face upward; "let's get a squint of your phisog. Hooraw! Coyote 'Pash! Hooraw!" And a gleam of triumph lit up the countenance of the old man as he uttered these wild exclamations. "Apash, is he?" asked one of the hunters, who had remained near the spot.

Then, with a roar, he started in to bellow, "The union forever hooraw, boys hooraw!" in which his companion, forgetting all the story, joined until it was again time to tilt the wicker-covered jug. And so that was the end of Thompson and presumably the strike, Dick thought, as he settled back into the corner he had claimed.

Crack goes the oar of the Atalanta's captain, and up flash its splintered fragments, as the stem of her boat springs past the line, eighteen inches at least ahead of the Algonquin. Hooraw for the Lantas! Hooraw for the Girls! Hooraw for the Institoot! shout a hundred voices.

"I confess, Rube," replied Seguin, with a smile, "I do not perceive how we can mislead them." "Wal, then," continued the trapper, with a chuckle of satisfaction at his own superior prairie-craft, "this child's a-gwyne to tell 'ee how 'ee kin put them on a different track." "Hooraw for you, old hoss!" "'Ee see a quiver on that Injun's back?" "Ay, ay!" cried several voices.

"Wot a pity it ain't an infusion of whisky an' potash!" and he glared vindictively at Watts. "Some ijjit 'as bin playin' a trick on us, that's wot it is some blank soaker 'oo don't give a hooraw in Hades for tea an' corfee an' cocoa, but wants a tonic. Stooard!" "Yes, sir," said the messroom attendant.

"Hooraw, capt'n!" cried he, as he came up. "Hev you e'er a knife to cut me clar o' this Indjun? Durn the niggur! I've got him in a leetle o' the tightest fix he's been in for a while, I reck'n. Dog-gone ye! keep still, ye skunk, or I'll smash every rib in yur body! Quiet now!"

Yes, one of the Twelve, intrusted with spreading the true faith of the Saints over all the world." "Hooraw for you, Josh Stebbins! You'll be jest the man for that sort o' thing; ye've got the larnin' for it, hain't you?"

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