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Come on in; Oi'll give ye number forty-two, thet's next behint me own room, an' we'll go up the back sthairs. Hilp the young loidy, Jack, fer shure ye know the way." She disappeared, evidently with some hospitable purpose in view, and Keith, clasping the girl's hand, undertook the delicate task of safely escorting her through the dark kitchen, and up the dimly remembered stairs.

Orde hesitated. "Oh, please do now, darlint!" wheedled the Rough Red, his little eyes agleam with mischief. "Sind us some oakum and pitch and we'll caulk yure wanigan for ye. Or maybe some more peavies, and we'll hilp ye on yure rollways. And till us, afore ye go, how ye want this dam, and that's the way she'll be. Come, now, dear! and ain't ye short-handed now?"

"Eyah!" grumbled Slavin, "seems I cannot hilp bein' cuk an' shtandin' orderly-man around here. I thried out Yorkey. . . . Wan day on'y tho' 'tis th' divil's own cuk he is. 'Sarjint! sez he, 'I'm no bowatchee' which in Injia he tells me means same as cuk. An' he tould th' trute at that."

"Oh, dear! oh, dear!" sobbed Jenny; "an' I not there to hilp them! An' poor Miss Mary, the tinder thing! Oh, 'tis hard, terribly hard for the crathurs! an' they not used to the like." "Can nothing be done for them?" said I. "That is what we want to know," returned Emilia, "and that was one of my reasons for coming up to D. I wanted to consult you and Jenny upon the subject.

I'd boil 'em alive, sor, or roast 'em in the stoke-hold, begorrah, if I had me own way with 'em. I would, sor, so hilp me Moses, if all the howly saints, whose names be praised, an' the blessed ould Pope, too, prayed me to spare 'em. Och, the murtherin' bastes, the daymans, the divvles!" He was almost beside himself in his rage and passionate invective.

"Be jabers, I can't say, sorr," returned McCarthy; "sure an' it's yoursilf that knows bist. I belave, however, it'll be the wisest coorse; for the divil a harbour can anyone say ilsewhere; and, by the same token, sorr, the current is setting shoreward in that very direction. Look at thim planks there, sorr, sure an' if that's the case it'll hilp the rhaft along foinely!"

Sure Oi found him a foine young gintleman, an' it's his friend Oi became. Wid me own hand Oi put a bullet through the head av thot shnale Porrfeeus dil Noort; an' now it's some av Dil Noort's gang that's seekin' to git square by carryin' off Merriwell's girrul. As yer friend, Ben, Oi ax ye to give th' spalpanes th' double-cross an' hilp Frank Merriwell git back th' girrul.

"Oh, dear! oh, dear!" sobbed Jenny; "an' I not there to hilp them! An' poor Miss Mary, the tinder thing! Oh, 'tis hard, terribly hard upon the crathurs, an' they not used to the like." "Can nothing be done for them?" said I. "That is what we want to know," returned Emilia, "and that was one of my reasons for coming up to D . I wanted to consult you and Jenny upon the subject.

Tim had already noticed the turn and now thundered across the prairie toward him. But the devious course, as will be readily seen, threw him slightly to the rear, seeing which, Warren drew in his animal to allow him to come up. "None of that!" called the Irishman; "ye've no advantage to throw away! Ye can't hilp me by that nonsense." But Warren gave him no heed.

"Ye didn't think ye could give me any hilp," chuckled Tim, "but ye did it all the same." "How?" "Haven't I told ye that the little circus ye opened out on the plain drew away all the spalpeens but the single one lift to look after me?