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After the haythen had fired at us, the good man actilly made me promise not to do the wretch hurt if the chance was given me; and a mighty foolish thing, for all it was Master Harvey who towld me, fur I've had a chance or two at the spalpaan since. Oh blissed Virgin, why didn't I cut his wizzen for him whin I could have done it that is, if I could!"

"Be the howly powers, but he's dead!" gasped the horrified Irishman, starting back, and then stooping still lower, and hurriedly examining him. "What killed him?" asked the terrified Fred, gazing upon the limp figure. "Lone Wolf, the haythen blackguard.

"There's no help now," said Father Luke; "I see he's a haythen; and bad luck to the major, I say again;" and this in the fulness of his heart he uttered aloud. "That's not the countersign," said the inexorable sentry, striking the butt end of the musket on the ground with a crash that smote terror into the hearts of the priests.

"Well," thought Mogue, "it is come to this at last? oh, thin, but I was a blackguard haythen an' nothing else ever to think of you, Letty Lenehan, or any low-born miscreant like you.

An' wud ye go back agin?" cried Tim in horror. "Wud he!" said Nora, with ineffable scorn. "Wud a herrin' swim? By coorse he'll go back. An' what's more, ye can sind the money to me an' I'll see that the childer gets the good av it, if I've to wring the neck av that black haythen, Rosenblatt, like a chicken." "You will take the money for my children?" enquired the Russian. "I will that."

When Sergeant Gellatly appeared in court at the trial he refused to bear witness against Little Hammer. "D' ye think does wan av y' think that I'll speak a word agin the man haythen or no haythen that pulled me out of me tomb and put me betune the barrack quilts?

"'And why not? says I; 'what for wouldn't you be helping a poor crayture out of trouble, when it wouldn't cost you more nor a handful of prayers? "'Mickey, I see, says he, in a solemn tone, 'you're worse nor a haythen; but ye couldn't be other, ye never come to yer duties. "'Well, Father, says I, Looking very penitent, 'how many Masses would get him out?

"I don't see why the haythen were after yez." "I saw I saw Tom Terrill," said I, stumbling over the name of Doddridge Knapp. I determined to keep the incident of his appearance to myself. "I don't see how he worked it," said Corson with a shake of the head. "They don't like to stand against a white man.

I don't like foreigners there anny more thin I do here. Along comes a bald-headed man with chin whiskers from Baraboo, Wisconsin, an' says he: 'Benighted an' haythen Dooley, says he, 'ye have no God, he says. 'I have, says I. 'I have a lot iv thim, says I. 'Ye ar-re an oncultivated an' foul crather, he says.

It's proud ye should be to have spache with a real gentleman and a British officer, ye poor haythen vagabond!" It may be observed that the last sentence was uttered in the possible, though not the certain and obvious hearing of the officer alluded to. "Why, Grady, what have you been up to?" was the question which greeted him. "Sure and I've made an important capture; look at the clothes of him!