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Tout près du sommet du Col, on rencontre de beaux bancs de grès jaunâtre qui sortent de dessous la pierre calcaire, et qui pourtant ne font aucune effervescence avec les acides.

"Le haut de cette partie des montagnes calcaires étoit encore recouvert de sable et de grès vitrescibles: et continuant

Brongniart, in 1849, as coming from the "Gres bigarre," or Bunter, not one is common to the Keuper. The footprints of Labyrinthodon observed in the clays of this formation at Hildburghausen, in Saxony, have already been mentioned.

«Sur la cime même de la montagne, ces grès sont recouverts par une ardoise grise, luisante, qui s'exfolie

As for the wording of the note, the spirit of usury alone could have inspired a sentence so imperative, so insolently curt and cruel, which said all and revealed nothing. Those who had never heard of Gobseck would have felt, on reading words which compelled him to whom they were addressed to obey, yet gave no order, the presence of the implacable money-lender of the rue des Gres.

Indeed, even in transports of joy, his conversation was confined to monosyllables; he wore the same non-committal countenance. "This was the neighbor Chance found for me in the house in the Rue de Gres, where I used to live when as yet I was only a second clerk finishing my third year's studies. The house is damp and dark, and boasts no courtyard.

The new red sandstone of Connecticut will also fill a gap in the history of fossil fishes, and this acquisition is so much the more important, because, at the epoch of the gres bigarre, a marked change took place in the anatomical character of fishes. It presents an intermediate type between the primitive fishes of the ancient deposits and the more regular forms of the jurassic deposits. Mr.

Did you speak to her? Did you ask her if she wanted to study law?" "She did not see me," said Eugene. "But only think of meeting one of the prettiest women in Paris in the Rue des Gres at nine o'clock! She could not have reached home after the ball till two o'clock this morning. Wasn't it queer? There is no place like Paris for this sort of adventures."

The gypsum, with its associated marls before described, is in greatest force towards the centre of the basin, where the calcaire grossier and calcaire silicieux are less fully developed. In some parts of the Paris basin, sands and marls, called the Gres de Beauchamp, or Sables moyens, divide the gypseous beds from the calcaire grossier proper.

"I knew all the Hirschvogels, from old Veit downwards," said a fat gres de Flandre beer jug; "I myself was made at Nurnberg." And he bowed to the great stove very politely, taking off his own silver hat I mean lid with a courtly sweep that he could scarcely have learned from burgomasters.