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Updated: August 6, 2024

These data explain the tactics of the gravid mother. What is her object when, before proceeding to sink her hole, she inspects her acorn, from above, below, before and behind, with such meticulous care? She is making sure that the acorn is not already occupied. The larder is amply stored, but it does not contain enough for two. Never in fact, have I found two larvæ in the same acorn.

They crowded to see him, pointing at him, and diversely comparing him to a gravid milch- buffalo, or a broken-down horse, as their limited range of metaphor prompted. They laughed at his police-guard, and wished to know how long the burly Sikhs were going to lead Bengali apes. They inquired whether he had brought his women with him, and advised him explicitly not to tamper with theirs.

In certain diseases of the heart, lungs, and liver, for example, the venous pressure may be so raised as to cause a localised dilatation of such veins as are congenitally weak. The direct pressure of a tumour, or of the gravid uterus on the large venous trunks in the pelvis, may so obstruct the flow as to distend the veins of the lower extremity.

You've never seen it since we were stopped there. 'I've only my week-ends free, I said, 'and you seem to spend yours there pretty regularly with the side-car. I was afraid 'Oh, that's all right, he said cheerily. 'We're quite an old engaged couple now. As a matter of fact, it happened after "the gravid polled Angus" business. Come along this Saturday.

In such a proceeding I see the attempt of a gravid mother pressed for time to obtain prompt information. If the acorn is suitable the boring will be recommenced at a more distant point, through the surface of the acorn itself. When an egg is to be laid the rule is to bore the hole from a point as distant as is practicable from the base as far, in short, as the length of the rostrum will permit.

Instantaneously he sprang as far as he could, shuddering, for he had crushed an adder, and but just escaped, by his involuntary and mechanical leap, from its venom. In the warm sunshine the viper, in its gravid state, had not cared to move as usual on hearing his approach; he had stepped full upon it. He hastened from the spot, and rejoined Oliver in a somewhat shaken state of mind.

The gravest problems of obstetrics and forensic medicine were examined with as much animation as the most popular beliefs on the state of pregnancy such as the forbidding to a gravid woman to step over a countrystile lest, by her movement, the navelcord should strangle her creature and the injunction upon her in the event of a yearning, ardently and ineffectually entertained, to place her hand against that part of her person which long usage has consecrated as the seat of castigation.

It is advisable that the ova should be obtained from the fish. This may be done either by collecting the ova deposited by the fish in the spawning beds or from the gravid females. The latter course necessitates the ripe female and male fish being caught and artificially spawned.

The prairie wolves as well as the others follow the herds of buffaloes, and attack the gravid cows and calves when separated from the rest. Frequently they sustain a contest with the bulls, when the latter are old or wounded, but on such occasions many of them get killed before the old bull becomes their prey.

Yet she has only to apply that abdominal extremity to the opening of the passage, and the egg is immediately lodged at the very bottom. Anatomy will give us the answer to the riddle, which is otherwise indecipherable. I open the body of a gravid female. There, before my eyes, is something that takes my breath away.

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