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The parts in which I won the most sympathy from the Italian public were those of Oreste in the tragedy of that name, Egisto in "Merope," Romeo in "Giulietta e Romeo," Paolo in "Francesca da Rimini," Rinaldo in "Pia di Tolommei," Lord Bonfield in "Pamela," Domingo in the "Suonatrice d 'Arpa," and Gian Galeazzo in "Lodovico il Moro."

O God! let me find her who will keep me in the path of virtue, the one I may rightly call my own." Again, he could coldly rejoice that he had not sacrificed any of his individuality, or any of his devotion to music, to Giulietta Guicciardi. And the diary of Fanny Giannatasio, whose father took care of Beethoven's nephew, quotes a conversation Beethoven held on the subject of wedlock.

There were trunks in the hall, tennis rackets on the stairs; on the landing, the cook Giulietta had both arms around a slippery hold-all that refused to let itself be strapped.

"The smallest!" shouted the sailors in chorus, with imperious impatience. "We are going!" And then Mario, with a voice which no longer seemed his own, cried: "She is the lighter! It is for you, Giulietta! You have a father and mother! I am alone! I give you my place! Go down!" "Throw her into the sea!" shouted the sailors. Mario seized Giulietta by the body, and threw her into the sea.

"Ever thine. "Ever mine. "Ever each other's." These impassioned letters to his "immortal beloved" were believed by Schindler to have been intended for Giulietta, and dated by him at first in 1803 and then in 1806. But Thayer, after showing how careless Beethoven was of dates, and how inaccurate, decides that these letters could not have been written before 1804.

He sat eyeing the firelight till she returned, and then taking the long golden lock in his handy he squeezed it, full of bitter memories and sorrowfulness. "Giulietta?" breathed his sister. "I would put my life on the truth of that woman's love. Well!" "Yes?" "She abandons herself to the commandant of the citadel." A low outcry burst from Georgiana. She fell at Merthyr's knees sobbing violently.

They say he is even greater than he appears, that he is brother to the King himself; at any rate, a handsomer and more gallant gentleman never wore spurs." "Let him keep to his own kind," said Elsie. "Eagles make bad work in dovecots. No good comes of such gallants for us." "Nor any harm, that I ever heard of," said Giulietta. "But let me see, pretty one, what did he give you?

The letter was regarded as a great find, and biographer after biographer has stated that it must have been written to the Countess Giulietta Guicciardi, to whom he dedicated the famous "Moonlight Sonata."

"I no longer feel it," he replied. "Sleep well," said Giulietta. "Good night," responded Mario. And they descended two neighboring sets of steps to their dormitories. The sailor's prediction proved correct. Before they could get to sleep, a frightful tempest had broken loose.

None enter here unbidden but my wife, and she has this moment taken boat for better enjoyment of the evening." "The world gives you credit, Signor Soranzo, for a happy ménage. I hope you have duly considered the necessity of shutting the door even against the Donna Giulietta to-night?" "Doubt me not, Signore; the affairs of St. Mark are paramount."