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"But cock-fighting is vastly more prevalent here than in Spain, or any other country I have visited. Wealthy people have their games, and all the poor people also," continued the consul. "About every man who can raise money enough to buy one owns a game-cock, and many take them with them when they go out. "Observe that man and woman approaching us; they are Spanish métis.

But do not look so glum, man I am the same Roger Wildrake that I ever was; as wild as a mallard, but as true as a game-cock.

"He must have done some fightin' in his day." "Fight!" cried the showman. He tossed the rooster upon the burlap once more. "Fight! Look at that leg action! That's the best yaller-legged, high-station game-cock that ever pecked his way out of a shell. I've taken all comers 'twixt Hoorah and Hackenny, and he ain't let me down yet. Look at them brad-awls of his!"

Here Master Capon vaunts that his Game-Cock was hard enough for the gallant Shake-bag of Sir John Boaster; although Sir John Boasters famous Shake-bag, but three weeks before, had fought against that incomparable Game-Cock of Squire Owls-eg, and claw'd him off severely.

'Silence, gentlemen, and let me speak, or I'll assault him, bellowed O'Flaherty, who, to do him justice, at this moment looked capable of anything. 'I believe, Sir, he continued, addressing Nutter, who confronted him like a little game-cock, 'it is not usual for one gentleman who renders himself offensive to another to oblige him to proceed to the length of manually malthrating his person.

Heterocerus, stridulation of. Hewitt, Mr., on a game-cock killing a kite; on the recognition of dogs and cats by ducks; on the pairing of a wild duck with a pintail drake; on the courtship of fowls; on the coupling of pheasants with common hens. Hilgendorf, sounds produced by crustaceans. Hindoo, his horror of breaking his caste.

Long-legs jumped to let him pass under, and came down on the unwary P.T. with the crushing force of his double bulk. The splay feet flattened the game-cock to the ground, and, while he lay there helpless, this victor-by-a-fluke began to peck and tear at his head and comb in a most brutal and unsportsmanlike manner.

Before help came the old rooster was badly cut in the neck and breast. Tunk rescued him, and brought him to the woodshed, where Trove sewed up his wounds. He had scarcely finished when there came a louder outcry among the fowls. Looking out they saw a gobbler striding slowly up the path and leading the game-cock with a firm hold on the back of his neck. The whole flock of fowls were following.

The other rooster, who had been awaiting his approach, stiffly erect, ducked to one side, and the game-cock went hurtling past. "Like rooster, like master!" Hiram yelled, savagely. "He's a coward. Why don't he run and git your brother, Alcander, to put P.T. under bonds to keep the peace? Yah-h-h-h! You're all cowards."

"Last night," continued Basilio, paying no attention, "he got up begging for his favorite game-cock, the one that died three years ago, and I had to give him a chicken. Then he heaped blessings upon me and promised me many thousands " At that instant a clock struck half-past ten. Simoun shuddered and stopped the youth with a gesture.