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Updated: August 19, 2024

What wind blew you hither at this perilous season, when Englishmen are going abroad for fear of the pestilence, and when your friend St Evremond has fled from the beauties of Oxford to the malodorous sewers and fusty fraus of the Netherlands?" "I had no fear of the contagion, and I wanted to see my friends.

The Naik must be beaten, and well beaten, for he took, not Bibi alone he took my umbrella!" This is a know-making to my Britisch Underthanes addressed. Be it known that from to-day on the Britisch Empire my Empire is, and all Britisch Men, Fraus and Childer are Germans. The folgende are now rules: I make all Laws alone and nobody with me interfere must.

Madame X. does not like to imagine the Haus Fraus parading in her sables. A man in the city saw some circulars ready for distribution that were printed by the German War Office, saying that in case of retreat of the army, the inhabitants of Liége would have six hours to evacuate the city. All that horror over again? Oh! this is a more terrifying thought, even, than the advance of an army.

And already the German airmen were buzzing away to sea again, proud of themselves, pleased no doubt like boys who have thrown a stone through a window, beating their way back to thanks and rewards, to iron crosses and the proud embraces of delighted Fraus and Fräuleins.... For the first time it seemed to Mr.

"What has marriage necessarily to do with love? There is more honesty and stimulation in the life-story of any grande amoureuse than a dozen of your stodgy fraus." "I'm going to bed," declared Will Brent. "But leave Alexander alone. I don't think she'd see eye to eye with you on the subject of the grande amoureuse." "That only foreshadows a duel of wills conflict drama."

The fraus pia is not yet extinct; and it is as inconvenient now as it was in popish times, to tell the whole truth about saints, when they dare to say or do things which will not quite fit into the formulae of their sect. But what was to become of Susan?

They themselves were the perpetrators of the most appalling violence against God and men: their whole system rests, as Johann Gerhard in his famous Confessio Catholica rightly asserts, on Fraus et Vis, that is, Fraud and Violence. Luther, Anarchist and Despot All in One. Extremes met, with most disastrous effect-so Catholic writers tell us-in Luther's views of the political rights of men.

"Das ist keine mann," Siegfried had said, and, to be sure, that was very clever of him, for she looked like some slim beardless boy, and not in the least like those great fat Fraus at Baireuth, whom nobody could have mistaken for a man as they bulged and heaved even before the strings of the breastplate were uncut by his sword.

Perhaps it is because Goethe was a German, accustomed to German Fraus, and I am, after all, a Pole, accustomed to something very different from Fraus; but anyhow, for all my efforts, in Rome, Florence, and Siena, I never could find a woman to go mad about, either among the ladies, chattering bad French, or among the lower classes, as 'cute and cold as money-lenders; so I steer clear of Italian womankind, its shrill voice and gaudy toilettes.

Religion may be an excellent means of curbing and controlling the perverse, dull, and malicious creatures of the biped race; in the eyes of the friend of truth every fraus, be it ever so pia, must be rejected. It would be an odd way to promote virtue through the medium of lies and deception. The flag to which I have sworn is truth.

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