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The mercer, as he spoke, held up the piece of say, of a nondescript colour, not unlike what is now termed crushed strawberry. "That shall serve for the chamberers," said Lady Foljambe; "but the cendall is for myself; I would have it good." "Dame, it is principal; you shall not see better." "Good. Measure me off six ells of the cendall, and nine of the say.

She knew that there was just a possibility that Lady Foljambe might put her into Ricarda's place, which she had not yet filled up, three or four different negotiations to that end having failed to effect it; and either this or a return to her uncle was the secret hope of her heart.

Georgie had been conscious of walking a little lamely lately; he had been even more conscious of the need of hot towels on his face and the "tap-tap" of Mr Holroyd's fingers, and the stretchings of Mr Holroyd's thumb across rather slack surfaces of cheek and chin. In the interval between the hair and the face, Mr Holroyd should have a good supper downstairs with Foljambe and the cook.

Of this crime Lady Foljambe made the most. "Now, Avena," said the Countess, as peremptorily as her languor permitted, "hearken me, and be no more of a fool than thou canst help. Now beware, and be wise. And if it need more, then mind thou" and the tone grew regal "that Amphillis Neville is my servant, not thine, and that I choose not she be removed from me.

There used to be all sorts of attempts on the part of low blighters to sneak him away from me. Young Reggie Foljambe to my certain knowledge offered him double what I was giving him, and Alistair Bingham-Reeves, who's got a valet who had been known to press his trousers sideways, used to look at him, when he came to see me, with a kind of glittering hungry eye which disturbed me deucedly.

Now there's only one thing that can happen to Mrs Weston and the Colonel. They must marry each other too. Then Atkinson can continue to be Colonel Boucher's man and Elizabeth the parlour-maid, unless she is busy with what made you blush. Then they can get help in; you will lend them Foljambe, for instance. It's time you began to be of some good in your wicked selfish life. So that's settled.

The rules of etiquette at that time were chains indeed; and the daughter of a tradesman was not in a position to be bower-woman to a lady of title. How had her cousin come there? "What sayest, then," asked Ricarda, with a triumphant smile, "to know that my Lady Foljambe sent to covenant with me by reason that she was so full fain of thee that she desired another of thy kin?"

The Lady Hermione took the bag of gold from her attendant, and gave it to her young friend, who threw herself into her arms, kissed her on both the pale cheeks, over which the sorrows so newly awakened by her narrative had drawn many tears, then sprung up, wiped her own overflowing eyes, and left the Foljambe apartments with a hasty and resolved step.

"Got in through the drawing-room window," said Hermy, hoping to make her smile. "Indeed, miss," said Foljambe. "Have you any orders for the car, sir?" "Oh, Georgie, may we run over to the links this morning?" asked Hermy. "Mayn't Dickie-bird take us there?" She glanced at Foljambe to see whether this brilliant wit afforded her any amusement. Apparently it didn't.

Tonight, however, these gratifying utterances had not been received with the gratified responses to which she was accustomed: there was a different atmosphere abroad, and it was as if she were no more than one-eighth of the entire party.... But it would never do to hurry Foljambe, who was a little upset already by the fact of there being eight to dinner, which was two more than she approved of.