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I am deeply grateful, and, whatever you do for us, you may rely on me to do my duty." They could scarcely hear each other speak now, for the soldiers were coming nearer, and the fife-and-drum bands were screeching, 'Louis the King was a Soldier'. "Then you will keep the government as your husband?" he asked, with forced humour, as he saw the Cure and the Notary approaching.

"There's old Smyrna talkin' up!" shrilled a voice in the crowd. And the jubilant plangor of a fife-and-drum corps burst on the listening ears. "And there's his pet elephant for a mascot! How's that for Foreman Hiram Look and the Smyrna Ancients and Honer'bles?" squealed the voice once more.

He emptied his glass, drew a long breath, and again began, the carving-knife cutting a rhetorical path before him. "I was engaged upon the military problem demonstration in force, no scouts ahead, no rearguard, ravine on the right, stump fence on the left, red coats, fife-and-drum band, concealed enemy follow me?

The fife-and-drum corps followed, and behind marched the champions, dragging Hecla Number One on its ruckling trucks. Then, with the bass drums punctuating and accenting, they sang: "Rip-te-hoo! And a hip, hip, holler! We'll lick hell for a half a dollar!"

He kissed her on the cheek, and went away with her tears on his lips. A newly organized fife-and-drum corps marched by struggling with "The Girl I Left Behind Me." In those days the most strangled rendering of that tune would bring lumps into the throats of those that heard. Hannible and Hamilton were privates in the nth regiment, Aladdin was major, and John was colonel.

Our boys were all carefully graded and matched, and their dark blue uniforms with just the neat nickel badge, I think, presented the best appearance of all. And I'll tell you another thing. They'll put it all over the Caledonias this afternoon. They won't let 'em get a smell. Don't you like the fife-and-drum corps?

In the hall outside the council door were packed at least a thousand men with ropes, sticks, a fife-and-drum corps which occasionally struck up "Hail! Columbia, Happy Land," "My Country, 'Tis of Thee," and "Dixie."

"That's what I'm about to tell you, my child, if you'll give me half a chance. I secured four safe, and more or less commodious, vehicles." "Four!" exclaimed Marian. "We'll be a regular parade." "Shall we have a band?" asked Nan. "Of course," said Kenneth; "and a fife-and-drum corps besides." "You won't need that," said Patty, "for there'll be no 'Girl I Left Behind Me. We're all going."

The people, walking, driving, or standing on their doorsteps, cheered Uncle Sam's coach with its freight of gossamer-muslined, fluttering-ribboned girls, and just behind, the gorgeously decorated haycart, driven by Abijah Flagg, bearing the jolly but inharmonious fife-and-drum corps. Was ever such a golden day! Such crystal air! Such mellow sunshine! Such a merry Uncle Sam!

Though there appeared to be no officers, European or otherwise, I was rather surprised to hear the word of command given in English, and to see this band of ragamuffins march off parade to the strains of "Home, sweet Home," played by a very fair fife-and-drum band.