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I see a light, fust of all, a-leapin' an' a-dancin' about 'mong the trees ah! an' I 'eerd shouts as was enough to curdle a man's good blood. 'Pooh! what's lights? says Joel Amos, cockin' 'is eye into 'is empty tankard; 'that bean't much to frighten a man, no, nor shouts neither. 'Aren't it? says John Pringle, fierce-like; 'what if I tell ye the place be full o' flamin' fire what if I tell ye I see the devil 'isself, all smoke, an' sparks, an' brimston' a-floatin' an' a-flyin', an' draggin' a body through the tops o' the trees? 'Lord! says everybody, an' well they might, Peter, an' nobody says nothin' for a while.

'Woman! says he, kind o' fierce-like, 'if they were yer own bit lassies, ye'd scorch the rocks, climbing to 'em. 'Man! says I," the Greylock woman paused, half-laughingly, to catch her breath, "'I never laid eyes on them, or on the broken-kneed man, either, but I'll warm the way, just the same. But, mercy! it took me most an hour to get here though only a mile of climbing the old Man Killer is so-o fierce."

"Try try to forgive me for being so cruel, so unfeeling," she sobbed; and then for a moment, as she saw me smile, she was about to fly out again, fierce-like, at having betrayed herself, and let me know how she loved me.

"'I'm just coming to it, he says, not a bit put out. 'It's like this, he says. 'I'm from the north Newcastle way an' on my way to Dorchester, looking for work, he says. "'Yes, I see you are! says I, looking him up and down, fierce-like. "'Last evening, he says, 'I come to a wood about a mile from this 'ere village, and I says to myself, "I'll stay here and go on in the morning."

So wild an' fierce-like 'e were enough to fright any woman, 'specially such a beautiful, gentle creetur' as 'is wife! Drink 's a fearsome thing!" "True, George. But Mr. Anthony would die rather than harm her, I am sure." "Maybe, sir but 'e looked 'orrible wild an' fierce when 'e rode off an' drink du be a tur'ble thing." "Now touching a chaise, George " "Chaise, sir?"

"'Has Duane been comin' here to see my wife? Bland asked, fierce-like. "'No, said Jennie. "'He's been after you? "'Yes. "'He has fallen in love with you? Kate said thet. "'I I'm not I don't know he hasn't told me. "'But you're in love with him? "'Yes, she said; an', Buck, if you only could have seen her! She thronged up her head, an' her eyes were full of fire.

"He never set eyes on her but once," said young China, the favorite housemaid, whose dialect and manners were superior to those of the other servants, "only just once, and that was when she looked at him so long and fierce-like he couldn't actually keep his eyes down."

Weel, would you credit it, I saw her body coming nearer me inch by inch, though she was looking straucht afore her, till she was within kick o' me, and then out again goes her foot. At that, dominie, I lost patience, and I whispered, fierce-like, 'Keep your foot to yoursel', you limmer! Ay, her intent, you see, was to waken me to what was gaen on, but I couldna be expected to ken that."