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The boy paid great attention to his work, and more than justified the favourable opinion which Mr Fairlie had formed concerning him. Sometimes Mr Fairlie would send him down to Paleham for a few days' holiday, and ere long his parents perceived that he had acquired an air and manner of talking different from any that he had taken with him from Paleham.

I looked at her, with my mind full of that other lovely face which had so ominously recalled her to my memory on the terrace by moonlight. I had seen Anne Catherick's likeness in Miss Fairlie. I now saw Miss Fairlie's likeness in Anne Catherick saw it all the more clearly because the points of dissimilarity between the two were presented to me as well as the points of resemblance.

Shall we ring for Louis again?" Being, by this time, quite as anxious, on my side, as Mr. Fairlie evidently was on his, to bring the interview to a speedy conclusion, I thought I would try to render the summoning of the servant unnecessary, by offering the requisite suggestion on my own responsibility. "The only point, Mr.

Hartright's present proceeding would have shaken it. It has not done so except in the instance of Mr. Hartright himself. "Having stated his opinion so far, that is to say, as acute nervous suffering will allow him to state anything Mr. Fairlie has nothing to add but the expression of his decision, in reference to the highly irregular application that has been made to him.

She had stayed for a short time in the neighbourhood with her mother, and had been befriended by Mrs. Fairlie. As the months went by I fell passionately and hopelessly in love with Laura Fairlie. No word of love, however, passed between us, but Miss Halcombe, realising the situation, broke to me gently the fact that my love was hopeless.

Miss Halcombe left the room waited till the first heat of her indignation had passed away decided on reflection that Mr. Fairlie should see his niece in the interests of common humanity before he closed his doors on her as a stranger and thereupon, without a word of previous warning, took Lady Glyde with her to his room.

It was the night before my departure to take up my duties as teacher to Miss Laura Fairlie and her half-sister, Miss Marian Halcombe, and general assistant to Frederick Fairlie, uncle and guardian to Miss Fairlie. Having bidden good-bye to my mother and sister at their cottage in Hampstead, I decided to walk home to my chambers the longest possible way round.

"Half-past seven to-morrow morning," she said then added in a whisper, "I have heard and seen more than you think. Your conduct to-night has made me your friend for life." Miss Fairlie came last. I could not trust myself to look at her when I took her hand, and when I thought of the next morning. "My departure must be a very early one," I said. "I shall be gone, Miss Fairlie, before you "

Vesey's invitation " she hesitated a little, and then added, "Laura's invitation as well." I promised to remain. God knows I had no wish to leave even the shadow of a sorrowful impression with any one of them. My own room was the best place for me till the dinner bell rang. I waited there till it was time to go downstairs. I had not spoken to Miss Fairlie I had not even seen her all that day.

When Miss Halcombe informed me of this I told her that I must absolutely speak to her sister before I left Limmeridge, and it was, therefore, arranged that I should see Miss Fairlie in her own sitting-room the next morning. She did not come down to dinner, or join us in the evening.