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This exalted wisdom, joined to his eminent virtues, induced his illustrious preceptor to give him the name of Saint, and to apply our Blessed Lord's eulogy of St. John the Baptist to him: "He was a burning and a shining light."

"It is a mere form," said he, "for my father has but one answer to his children, 'Please yourselves. He sometimes adds, 'and how much money shall you want? These are his two formulae." He then delivered a glowing eulogy on his father; and Mrs.

Some time ago, however, before Picasso was found out, a young Russian æsthete so Mr. Fry tells us was licensed by the competent authority to pronounce that artist's eulogy, on the understanding, of course, that the lecture should somehow serve as a stick wherewith to beat the opposition. Nothing easier: Picasso was pitted against Renoir.

Alban's who was penning a eulogy of Earl Simon in the midst of this uproar saw the rise of a new spirit of resistance in the streets of the little town. In dread of war it was guarded and strongly closed with bolts and bars, and refused entrance to all strangers, and above all to horsemen, who wished to pass through.

Coke, February 3, the majority had been 24 211 to 187. The first two phrases in this eulogy may, perhaps, balance one another; though, when Mr.

In character he is exquisite; a polish to defy misfortune. 'I suppose his table is good? said Harriet, almost ruffled by the Countess's lecture. 'Plate, was remarked in the cold tone of supreme indifference. 'Hem! good wines? Andrew asked, waking up a little and not wishing to be excluded altogether. 'All is of the very best, the Countess pursued her eulogy, not looking at him.

Posterity has fully justified the humane, patient and discreet constitutional course pursued by Lord Elgin during one of the most trying ordeals through which a colonial governor ever passed. He had the supreme gratification, however, before he left the province, of finding that his policy had met with that success which is its best eulogy and justification.

What is there, then, so remarkable in the repairing to Mr. Kearney's house for a loan of those weapons of which his family for several generations have forgotten the use? In the Government journals the story of the attack was headed, 'Attack on Kilgobbin Castle. Heroic resistance by a young lady'; in which Kate Kearney's conduct was described in colours of extravagant eulogy.

The highest eulogy which can be pronounced on the revolution of 1688 is this, that it was our last revolution. Several generations have now passed away since any wise and patriotic Englishman has meditated resistance to the established government.

German eulogy was extravagant; French Republicanism was overjoyed; Englishmen, at home and abroad, read eagerly for the first time in close and vivid sequence events which, when spread over thirty months of daily newspapers, few had the patience to follow, none the qualifications to condense. Macaulay tells us that soon after the appearance of his own first volumes, a Mr.