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Updated: August 9, 2024

Freed from these attributes, He is again their enjoyer and endorser. Having created them Himself, He is above them all. Mind is a great creature, and it disappears into Unmanifest Prakriti. Unmanifest Prakriti, O Brahmana, disappears into inactive Purusha. There is nothing higher than Purusha which is Eternal.

Yes, it was Beauchene whom he resembled, and in so striking a manner, with his eyes of prey, his big jaw which proclaimed an enjoyer consumed by base voracity, that she was now astonished that she had not been able to name him at her first glance. Her legs failed her, and she had to sit down. "So it's you," said Alexandre.

The green trees when I saw them first through one of the gates transported and ravished me: ... the skies were mine, and so were the sun and moon and stars, and all the world was mine: and I the only spectator and enjoyer of it.... So that with much ado I was corrupted and made to learn the dirty devices of this world, which I now unlearn, and become, as it were, a little child again that I may enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."

The Irishman has many good qualities: he is brave, witty, generous, eloquent, hospitable, and open-hearted; but he is vain, ostentatious, extravagant, and fond of display, light in counsel, deficient in perseverance, without skill in private or public economy, an enjoyer, not an acquirer one who despises the slow and patient virtues who wants the superstructure without the foundation, the result without the previous operation, the oak without the acorn and the three hundred years of expectation.

It is thus that they who accept the doctrines of the three Vedas and wish for objects of desires, obtain going and coming. I am the enjoyer, as also the lord, of all sacrifices. They who offer me with reverence, leaf, flower, fruit, water that offered with reverence, I accept from him whose self is pure.

For I am the enjoyer and the Lord of all sacrifices; but they know me not in truth and hence they fall, and 'Thou art ever worshipped by me with sacrifices; thou alone, bearing the form of pitris and of gods, enjoyest all the offerings made to either. Nor finally can we admit the contention that it is rational to interpret the Vedanta-texts in accordance with Kapila's Smriti because Kapila, in the Svetasvatara text, is referred to as a competent person.

If the internal organ were the agent, then since it is impossible that a being other than the agent should be the enjoyer of the fruit of the action the power of enjoyment also would belong to the internal organ, and would consequently have to be denied of the Self. And on account of the absence of samadhi.

And the thought of Sacco being a minister, an intimate of the King, allying himself by marriage to one of the noblest families of the Roman aristocracy, and already laying hands on the people and the national funds with the prospect of some day becoming the master of Rome and Italy that thought again was a blow for the vanity of this man of prey, for the ever voracious appetite of this enjoyer, who felt as if he were being pushed away from table before the feast was over!

"Well, the only thing I'm afraid of is that my enjoyer will be totally worn out. It has stood the wear and tear of so many good times I don't see how it can possibly stand any more. Why, I've been fairly wild to see Peter Pan, and I've felt so green for the last few years because I've never set foot in an automobile that you couldn't have chosen anything that would please me more."

Whilst Barroux, the elder of the pair by ten years, blanched and solemn, with a handsome face, snowy whiskers, clean-shaven chin and upper-lip, retained all the dignity of power, the bearing of a Conventionnel of romantic views, who sought to magnify the simple loyalty of a rather foolish but good-hearted /bourgeois/ nature into something great; the other, beneath his heavy common countenance and feigned frankness and simplicity, concealed unknown depths, the unfathomable soul of a shrewd enjoyer and despot who was alike pitiless and unscrupulous in attaining his ends.

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