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Without changing her position, hardly turning her head, she watched until the firing began to lessen rapidly. Then she breathed, "Engadir must be ours again!" and realized that she was weak and faint. Suspense had sapped her strength. She sought a seat in the arbor, where the nervous force of other thoughts revived her.

The next night Westerling followed up his supposed advantage at Engadir as he had planned, and there was no sleep for the thunders and the light of the explosions through the barracks-room windows. "I can see what is happening and feel and feel!" said the man who had been at Engadir. In the morning the bulletin announced that more positions were taken, with very heavy losses to the enemy.

The one stroke of generalship by the Grays, who, otherwise, had succeeded alone through repeated mass attacks, had been Westerling's hypothesis that had gained Bordir in a single assault. "Engadir it is, then!" said Turcas with the loyalty of the subordinate who makes a superior's conviction his own, the better to carry it out.

The attack was to be made at the right of Engadir, its centre breaking from the redoubt manned by Fracasse's men. "Marta, you genius!" Lanstron cried. "You are the real general! You " "Not that, please!" she broke in. "I'm as foul and depraved as a dealer in subtle poisons in the Middle Ages!

The attack on Engadir being the jewel of Westerling's own planning, he was disinclined to risk success by delegating authority, which also meant sharing the glory of victory. Bouchard's note, though officially dismissed as a matter of pathology, would not accept dismissal privately.

Finally, Partow consented, and I recall his exact words: 'They're shockingly archaically defended, especially Engadir, he said, 'but they can wait until we get further appropriations in the fall." She was so far under the spell of her own invention that she believed the reality of her words, reflected in her wide-open eyes which seemed to have nothing to hide.

"I must actually know in order to be convincing," she said. "Now that of the main line." He did not include in the description of Engadir any reference to the Browns' plan of a crushing counter-attack. But as she was repeating this, her calm tone broke into an outcry of horror, as the nature of what he was inadvertently concealing flashed into her mind.

If anything would convince me that I have to fight this war-alone I " Westerling choked in irritation. "Yes. The ground is such that it is a tactically safe and advantageous move for Lanstron to make. He strikes at the vitals of our machine." "But what about the remainder of the force that made the charge? What about all our guns concentrated in front of Engadir?" "I was coming to that.

Faintly in the distance she heard a tumult of human voices in the high notes of a savage cheer; the rattling din of rifles; the purring of automatics; and then, except for the firefly flashes of scattered shots around Engadir, silence and darkness. But she knew that chaos would soon be loosed again chaos and murder, which were the product of her own chicanery.

She could hear the click of the telegraph instruments already reporting the details of the action as cheerfully as Brobdingnagian crickets in their peaceful surroundings. Then out of the shadows Westerling reappeared. "The apron of Engadir is ours!" he called. "Thanks to you!" he added with pointed emphasis.