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But to die yer an' never be found in these desert wastes is pore salvage for a man that's lived among the white sails of the bay, an' loved a woman elegant as Ellenory." It was dark, and he could hardly see his way in half an hour. Sometimes a crow would caw, to hear strange sounds go past, like an old watchman's rattle moved one cog.

Some fishermen distantly appeared, human, yet nearly stationary, as if to enliven a dream, and the bees in a row of hives kept murmuring near by, increasing the restful sense in the heart and the ears. "Why cannot human natur be happy yer, pertickler with its gal some one like Ellenory?"

Ellenory kin read it, if I live to see her agin." There was nothing more, and, as he left the rotting old house, a crash and a cloud of smoke rose up behind him, and the chimney fell into the middle of the floor.

"'The Lord is my shepherd," said the sailor, reverently; "'I shall not want. He leadeth me by the still waters. How beautiful Ellenory says it. Look thar at the waters of the Nanticoke, beautiful as silver. Lord, make 'em pure waters an' free, to every pore creatur!" "To who! to who!" screamed a voice out of the hollow chimney. "Well," answered Jimmy, hardly excited, "I ain't partickler. Ha!

When you git to Prencess Anne, whar I want you to go, find Ellenory Dennis, an' tell her I've seen her boy, an' I'll bring him back if I kin." "Princess Anne? where is it?" "It's maybe, forty mile from yer, Mary; half-way between sunrise and sunset." "Right south, sir?" "That's it. Now I'll tell you how to git thar.

"The tide's agin' em, an' they must make a tack to get yer," Jimmy muttered; "but I'm afraid this knife will have to go to the heart of some son of Pangymonum in ten minutes, or Ellenory Dennis never agin be pestered by her ugly lover."

"Make me his father, Ellenory, and that'll give me an interest over him, and you will command me. You want a first mate in your crew. Levin kin make a fool of me if I go chase him now, and I can't measure money with a nigger trader, by smoke!" "Oh! James," the widow spoke, "you know my heart would be yours if I could control it. When my way is clear you will have but to ask. Do go and find Levin!"

It had probably struck a bone, but had not broken it, and this had stunned him. "I was so ugly before that Ellenory wouldn't more than half look at me," Jimmy mused, "an' now, I 'spect, she'll never kiss that air cheek." He then bandaged his cheek roughly, sitting up, and took a survey of the scenery.

Phoebus had paddled for the opposite shore of the river to prevent the object of his quest escaping up the Northwest Fork, yet to be in its path if it beat up the main fork, and, by a piece of instinctive calculation, he had run nearly under the cat-boat bows. "Ahoy, there!" cried Jimmy, standing up in his tipsy little skiff; "ahoy the Ellenory Dennis! I'm a-comin' aboard."

Down, down he began to settle, till the water reached his nostrils, and the woman heard him sigh as he was sinking: "I'd do it an' die agin fur Ellenory. God bless her!"