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And here, too, we found the nests of several large species egret, night-heron, cormorant, and occasionally a hawk birds which build on trees in forest districts, but here on the treeless region of the pampas they made their nests among the rushes.

Should it happen that the last egret is shot and the last bird of paradise is snared to adorn a lady's dress, then then I would not like to be a woman for all that earth could hold. Herbert O. Ward. When at last my covering was removed I found myself in a large, long room, which I afterward learned was a millinery store.

On the central velvet seat of the boot and shoe department, a lady, with an egret in her hat, was stretching out a slim silk-stockinged foot, waiting for a boot. She looked with negligent amusement at this common little girl and her singular companion. This look of hers seemed to affect the women serving, for none came near the little model.

With every pack and basket that the Spaniards had, they carried them back into the town, and the gates of the stockade were swung to after them." "All night," said the Egret, "the birds were scared from their roost by the noise of the battle. Several of the horses were caught inside the stockade; these the Indians killed quickly.

"But there are good, progressive men down here men who really wish to develop the country on a sound, honest basis," said Payne. "Why, don't they get after this rotten business?" "Few of them know anything about it. Garman has the business monopolized; only a few shooters, those absolutely under his control, and the birds spirited away in the Egret.

If that millinery plume law is repealed, the fate of the American and snowy egrets is sealed, for the few birds that remain will be shot to the very last one." The French story of the beautiful and smoothly-running egret farms in Venezuela is preposterous, save for a mere shadow of truth.

A crow and a white egret once made their nests in the same tree, and when the nestlings began to grow up the crow saw how pretty and white the young egrets were, and thought them much nicer than her own black young ones. So one day when the egret was away, the crow changed the nestlings and brought the little white egrets, to her own nest.

Many are crowned with towering ostrich plumes, both black and white; others wear balls of feathers surmounted by the scarlet tuft of the egret; some, again, have round their heads bands of the hide of the spotted cat; but all flaunt some wild and fantastic adornment.

The "plume-hunters" of the millinery trade have been, and still are, determined to have the last feather and the last drop of egret blood. In an effort to stop the slaughter in at least one locality in Florida, Warden Guy Bradley was killed by a plume-hunter, who of course escaped all punishment through the heaven-born "sympathy" of a local jury.

"Really?" she cried, "Oh, but that poor little tug the Egret would catch her in a mile." "If you get on that tug I will see that you go wherever you wish to go." "Once aboard the lugger and the girl is free!" she quoted. "No, no. You don't understand. It isn't so simple as that. If it was merely a question of getting away, do you think I would be afraid? It's more than that.