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Updated: August 3, 2024

"You'll excoose me sayin' it, Farmer; but was it soberly or pleasantly, honest creed or light lips, down-right or random, 'out o' the heart the mouth speaketh' or wantonly and in round figgers, as it might happen to a man filled with meat and wine?" "'Twas the cold trewth." "By what slice o' fortune?" "By a mine, as you might put it: or, as between man an' man, by a mine o' lead."

Mast-headed f. Tetragonal f. Modal f. Renowned f. Second notial f. Rheumatic f. Cheerful and buxom f. Flaunting and braggadocio f. Solemn f. Egregious f. Annual f. Humourous and capricious f. Festival f. Rude, gross, and absurd f. Recreative f. Large-measured f. Boorish and counterfeit f. Babble f. Pleasant f. Down-right f. Privileged f. Broad-listed f. Rustical f. Duncical-bearing f.

He met me during the week and to my astonishment he said to me: "My young friend, I thank you for that sermon last Sunday; it had the two best qualities of preaching simplicity and down-right earnestness.

He had felt, on this trip, that, if his theory about the case broke down, it might be advisable, even necessary, to produce all the evidence possible to shield his friend either from ugly gossip or from the down-right charge of murder. He did not believe for a moment that Withers was guilty.

Barbicane studied the consequences of these different situations, and thinking what inference he could draw from them, when he was roughly disturbed by a cry from Michel Ardan. "By Jove!" he exclaimed, "I must admit we are down-right simpletons!" "I do not say we are not," replied Barbicane; "but why?"

What gars ye stop now? ye're just at the very bit for a chance." "Weel," said the beggar, "that's the likeliest bit of ony. It will be but a muckle through-stane laid doun to kiver the gowd tak the pick till't, and pit mair strength, man ae gude down-right devvel will split it, I'se warrant ye Ay, that will do Od, he comes on wi' Wallace's straiks!"

The truth of the matter was that he had determined upon a plan singularly popular among pedagogues of watchful waiting; he had made up his mind that Doloria and I should not see each other again except in his presence. He may have told her this I rather suspected it. As we sat in the cockpit smoking, he became down-right obnoxious by excessive jocularity. It can be disgustingly overdone.

There is something wrong with his appearance; something displeasing, something down-right detestable. I never saw a man I so disliked, and yet I scarce know why. He must be deformed somewhere; he gives a strong feeling of deformity, although I couldn't specify the point. He's an extraordinary looking man, and yet I really can name nothing out of the way.

This policy of deception often degenerates into down-right fraud, as in the case of secret rebates and other forms of discrimination through which one competitor obtains an undue and perhaps crushing advantage over others; or it may take the form of adulteration or other trade frauds by which the business man may rob the general public.

"Why didn't you tell me of this before, Helen? It must have been coming on for some time." "George, I didn't know what to do. And I had heard you say such terrible things about the duty of punishing crime." "Good gracious, Helen! where is your logic? What has crime to do with it! Is down-right stark-staring madness a crime? Anyone with half an eye can see the boy is mad!"

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