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Updated: August 4, 2024

He saw the elephant's tub of water a little way before him and with two bounds he was by its side and before Miss Polly was aware of what was up, she found herself doused in the tub, and when she came up from under the water there was no goat in sight. As Billy went out of the tent he ran into the animal keeper who was just coming in. "Ho, ho! Master Billy, not so fast.

As the last notes of Andy's call to turn to the subject of the opening of this chapter rang out the tousle-headed, sleepy-eyed scouts appeared from their tents and found themselves enveloped in a fleecy mist such a light fog as is common on that part of the Atlantic coast at this season of the year. "Pretty thick!" was Rob's comment as he doused his face in his tin basin.

Then, just at a quarter to three they doused the glim, which was only an electric torch one of them carried, and skipped out, locking the door on poor Cadger. It was hours afterwards when the day watchman came on duty and the discovery followed."

Rose had slumped into a chair at the dining-room table, and was pouring herself a cup of cold and bitter tea. Al came over to her and laid one white hand on her shoulder. "Ro, lend me a couple of dollars till Saturday, will you?" "I should say not." Al doused his cigarette in the dregs of a convenient teacup. He bent down and laid his powdered and pale cheek against Rose's sallow one.

In fact I had plenty of time to see it, for we doused our sails several miles out to sea, and lay tossing in the storm to a sea-anchor, waiting for the short summer night to fall. We showed it three times from the bow, and at the last showing a red light gleamed from Flushing Church.

"I saw a light on the second floor something I never saw before at that hour. And I saw the Dutchman that keeps the store underneath shutting up. And I heard somebody laughing upstairs," as a second thought. "I think that's what made me notice the light." "Nothing else?" Sams shaved and considered. He wiped his razor at last, poured some water in a bowl and doused his face.

After supper home, it being extraordinary dark, and by chance a lanthorn came by, and so we hired it to light us home, otherwise were we no sooner within doors but a great showre fell that had doused us cruelly if we had not been within, it being as dark as pitch. So to prayers and to bed. 17th.

"Mother told me about a young man who nearly died of pneumonia because some of the boys doused him in cold water, in a pond or something." "And you didn't want me to have pneumonia. I won't on this occasion, I promise you. I think we can circumnavigate those fellows. I won't see Johnny-jump-up to-day." Edna laughed. "Won't they be disappointed?" "They will that.

I saw Hoard disembark and stand talking with his companions for a few minutes, and then the boat shoved off again and made her way to about mid-channel, when her crew doused her sail and proceeded to shoot their nets.

Here he threw himself flat and, laying aside his precious pipe, drank long and eagerly; then with sudden plunge doused his hot face in the cooling flood and came up dripping. "Thank the Lord I have no desert march to make to-day, all on a wild-goose chase," was his pious ejaculation. "What on earth could have induced the paymaster to send a detachment over to the Gila?"

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