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Updated: August 23, 2024

and in a fragment of the Brutus he enforces the doctrine that dreams are often heaven-sent warnings, full of meaning to those that will understand them. Nevertheless his contempt for augury was equal to that of his master "Nil credo auguribus qui auris verbis divitant Alienas, suas ut auro locupletent domos." The often-quoted maxim of the tyrant oderint dum metuant is first found in him.

Isabel looked at it all with wide startled eyes and parted lips; and then suddenly sank down on the wrecked bed where she had hoped to sleep that night, and began to sob like a child. "Ah! I did think I did think " she began. Anthony stooped and tried to lift her. "Come, my darling," he said, "is not this a high honour? Qui relinquit domos!" "Oh! why have they done it?" sobbed Isabel.

Nec corpora modo affecta tabo, sed animos quoque multiplex religio, et pleraque externa invasit, novos ritus sacrificando vaticinandoque, inferentibus in domos, quibus quaestui sunt capti superstitione animi. L. 4, dec. 1. Tacit, Annal. lib. 1, et ib. 4, cap. 10. Plutarch in his life. Georg. l. 1. Suetonius in vita Caesaris. Petseus, in Galfredo Monimetensi. Hist. Crusade, l. 5.

Nihil jam cupiditati, nihil libidini exceptum: in proelio fortiorem esse, qui spoliet; nunc ab ignavis plerumque et imbellibus eripi domos, abstrahi liberos, injungi delectus, tanquam mori tantum pro patria nescientibus: quantulum enim transisse militum, si sese Britanni numerent? sic Germanias excussisse jugum: et flumine, non Oceano, defendi: sibi patriam, conjuges, parentes, illis avaritiam et luxuriam causas belli esse.

Likewise simus for sumus, domos for domus in the genitive singular . With respect to the last two peculiarities, lest any person should imagine that they were only slips of his pen, and not customary with him, he never varies.

Our studies and desires should sometime be sensible of age; yet we have one foot in the grave and still our appetites and pursuits spring every day anew within us: "Tu secanda marmora Locas sub ipsum funus, et, sepulcri Immemor, struis domos."

Earthy are we, and of the earth; glimpses of the sublime are but rare to us; leave we them to great geniuses, and to the donkeys; and if it nothing profit us aerias tentasse domos along with them, let us thankfully remain below, being merry and humble.

Campestres melius Scythæ, Quorum plaustra vagas rite trahunt domos, Vivunt, et rigidi Getæ, Immetata quibus jugera liberas Fruges et Cererem ferunt, Nec cultura placet longior annuâ.

This author will take an English word, and, like the Frenchman that swallowed water and spit it out wine, with a little heaving and straining would turn it immediately into Latin, as plunderat ilie domos, mille hocopokiana, and a thousand such.

The two most famous lines are a procession of negatives: Ibant obscuri sola sub nocte per umbram, Perque domos Ditis vacuas et inania regna. Through hollow kingdoms, emptied of the day, And dim, deserted courts where Dis bears sway, Night-foundered, and uncertain of the path, Darkling they took their solitary way.

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