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"That is one of my weaknesses when I am driving; I am never able to pass a branch road without wanting to turn aside and explore it." "Then we'll explore this one, right now," said Blount, cutting the car to the left. He was more than willing to delay, even by littles, the moment when he should be obliged to resume the sorry business of waiting and dissembling.

My only endeavour was to get the lady Edith and her remaining children safe from the castle; and it was only by dissembling my feelings, by talking face to face with the man of blood, by pretending to trust him, that I could succeed.

This army came to him like a relief from the gods; dissembling his joy he replied: "May the Baals favour you! I do not know what the Republic will do for you, but Hamilcar is not ungrateful." The tumult increased; some captains entered. He was arming himself as he spoke. "Come, return! You will use your horsemen to beat down their infantry between your elephants and mine.

They came dissembling, protesting, expressing deepest sorrow and shame, that when his lordship sent to them, they should have been so unfortunate as to want the present means to oblige so honourable a friend. But Timon begged them not to give such trifles a thought, for he had altogether forgotten it.

"What do you mean by that?" And she answered, with a directness before which dissembling and evasion crumbled away: "Read the answer in your own heart. "And if you cannot look into your own heart," she went on, unsparingly, "if your own heart has been shut away so long that it is closed even to yourself, then look into your looking-glass and read the answer there.

"And so you were merry in the carriage?" asked the Countess, gracefully dissembling a yawn. "We were; we had a very pleasant conversation; but we took perhaps a glass more than that fine fellow of a Prince has been accustomed to," said the Governor; "and I observe this morning that he seems a little off his mettle. We'll get him mellow again ere bedtime. This is his door."

It is like, if thou wast not sensible of many by-thoughts and wickednesses in thy best performances, thou wouldst go near to be some proud, abominable hypocrite, or a silly, proud dissembling wretch at the best, such an one as would send thy soul to the devil in a bundle of thy own righteousness.

That prince, dissembling his resentment, entered into a negotiation with the league; and having conferred many high offices on Guise and his partisans, summoned an assembly of the states at Blois, on pretence of finding expedients to support the intended war against the Hugonots.

But whether I am restrained from dissembling the pleasure I take in the subject, by the honest advice of the Poet, who says, "Blush not to own the art you love to practise." or whether this treatise has been extorted from me by the importunity of my friend, it was proper to obviate the censures to which it will probably expose me.

It has been left on record of this Curius, by one who knew him well, and was himself no mean judge of character, that he possessed not the faculty of concealing any thing he had heard, or even of dissembling his own crimes; and Catiline was not one to overlook or mistake so palpable a weakness.