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Updated: August 16, 2024

"Of course," she answered. "I couldn't stay in." "Nor could I." "The year's at the spring, And day's at the morn; Morning's at seven; The hill-side's dew-pearled," Rose quoted. "You know the rest, don't you?" "The rest doesn't matter. 'Morning waits at the end of the world Gypsy, come away!" "I'll go," she breathed, her eyes fixed on his, "anywhere!" "To the river, then.

In the gap of the tall hedge, where the path led down to the cottage, ringed in its darkness like a lovely picture in a sombre frame, with a pale eucalyptus rising stately on either side; and behind it all, and gleaming softly through and round it all, the tender glories of the new day, stood a girl in a dove-coloured dress, bareheaded, holding the dew-pearled branches apart with her two hands, and gazing at him with wide eyes, and parted lips, and startled face.

To even the worst of men, in such surroundings, there come moments of exemption from the ennui and shame of life, and to this deep soul which had issued, purified, from the fires through which it had passed, they lengthened into glorious hours, hours such as kindled on the lips of the poet those exultant and exquisite words: "The year's at the spring And day's at the morn; Morning's at seven; The hillside's dew-pearled;

Then the two childish voices rang out: "The year's at the spring And day's at the morn: Morning's at seven; The hillside's dew-pearled; The lark's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn: God's in his heaven All's right with the world!" Grace listened with a sinking heart. The joy of Browning's exquisite lines from "Pippa Passes" cut into her very soul. All was not right with her world.

In the absence of real battles on our soil these sham fights of the polling-booth sham because they determine nothing, because the great silent forces are working behind all the noises are the national purge for "our present discontents"; no more truly efficacious than that ancient therapeutics of the lancet, a General Election yet comforts the patient, he takes a lease of fresh hope, the sun leaps out, the clouds pack, the sky is blue, the grass is dew-pearled, God's in his heaven, and all's right with the world.

She went into the hall by another door opening out of the library, thus avoiding Isabel, and sought her own room, singing to herself: "The year's at the spring, And day's at the morn, The morning's at seven, The hillside's dew-pearled, The lark's on the wing, The snail's on the thorn; God's in His heaven All's right with the world!"

"'The year's at the Spring, And day's at the morn; Morning's at seven; The hillside's dew-pearled: The lark's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn; God's in His heaven All's right with the world!" Michael Ireton suggested that he should go off for a time into the desert and find himself. "There's nothing else so helpful," he said. "I've tried it." Hadassah's eyes met her husband's.

It never occurs to her that perhaps there is more of misery than of happiness in the four great ones of whom she dreams; and so she goes on her way singing, The year's at the spring And day's at the morn; Morning's at seven; The hillside's dew-pearled; The lark's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn: God's in his heaven All's right with the world!

'The year's at the spring, The day's at the morn; Morning's at seven; The hillside's dew-pearled: The lark's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn; God's in his heaven All's right with the world! The lilt of the joyous words had often been with him as he sped through the sleeping fields to his morning plunge.

It seemed to him that the dead man, all that way down under the red earth and the grass and the flowers, must be laughing, too, at the Dop Doctor who was fool enough not to speak out and end the farce for ever. Should he? Why not? But for what reason now, and to what end, since his virginal-pure, dew-pearled, Convent lily lay trodden in the mire? And yet, to look in those eyes....

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