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The physical strength that was given to man to use, like every other gift, for the good of the race, he is so using when he holds it as a dernier ressort for law and order. Dr. Jacobi says, in her address, "capacity to bear arms, in fulfilment of military duty, is not, in the State of New York, reckoned among the necessary qualifications of voters."

Paull, having had such a gross insult offered to him by a man whom he had hitherto esteemed his friend, and being wounded at such a moment in the most sensitive part, called upon Sir Francis Burdett for an explanation; and this being refused, he demanded satisfaction in the field, as a dernier resort, when he found that no terms of conciliation were likely to be acceded to by the Baronet.

But the manner of doing it, to answer the purpose effectually, is the point in question. That no man should scruple or hesitate a moment to use arms in defense of so valuable a blessing is clearly my opinion. Yet arms, I would beg leave to add, should be the last resource, the dernier ressort."

He would talk only of eating, of which he was privileged not only to speak but to judge, and pronounce upon en dernier ressort, though this was only an air, for he was not really a gourmand; but after ogling through his glass the distant dishes, when they with a wish came nigh, he, after a cursory glance or a close inspection, made them with a nod retire.

"Yes, the very last," answered Riel: "I believe and trust in Him. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me." Dr. Jukes shook hands with the prisoner, who said in English: "Thank you, doctor." Then he continued: "Jesus, Marie, Joseph, assistez moi en ce dernier moment." Deputy-Sheriff Gibson then said, "Louis Riel, have you anything to say before death?" Riel answered "No."

A pile of old brick which had formed the foundations of a dwelling which had stood on the spot, and which had been burned, conveniently presented itself to my eye. I possessed myself of as large a fragment as my little hand could grasp; I secured a second as a dernier resort.

The coats and swords of the students at the Polytechnic had been removed during the night, to prevent their joining the bands who were singing the "Marseillaise" and the "Dernier Chant des Girondins" under their windows. Meantime barricades had been raised in the thickly populated parts of Paris, and successful efforts had been made to enlist the sympathies of the soldiers and the National Guard.

When it became evident that the New Era was to end in bloodshed, instead of universal peace and good-will towards men, that the Rights of Man included murder, confiscation, and atheism, that the Sovereignty of the People meant the rule of King Mob, who seemed determined to carry out to the letter Diderot's famous couplet, "Et des boyaux du dernier prêtre Serrez le cou du dernier des rois,"

But the manner of doing it, to answer the purpose effectually, is the point in question. That no man should scruple, or hesitate a moment, to use a ms in defence of so valuable a blessing, on which all the good and evil of life depends, is clearly my opinion. Yet a ms, I would beg leave to add, should be the last resource, the dernier resort.

We went by a tortuous route, round Paris towards the west, and at every station the carriages were besieged by people trying to escape. "Pour l'amour de Dieu, laissez-moi entrer!" "J'ai trois enfants, messieurs! Ayez un peu de pitie!" "Cre nom de Dieu, c'est le dernier train! Et j'ai peur pour les petits. Nous sommes tous dans le meme cas, n'est-ce-pas?"