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His unrequired presence prevented me from speaking freely to Syddall, and I dared not send him away for fear of increasing such suspicions as he might entertain from his former abrupt dismissal from the library. "I shall sleep here, sir," I said, giving them directions to wheel nearer to the fire an old-fashioned day-bed, or settee. "I have much to do, and shall go late to bed."

Any man's advancement is the most capital offence that can be to his malice, yet this envy, like Phalaris' bull, makes that a torment first for himself he prepared for others. He is a day-bed for the devil to slumber on. His blood is of a yellowish colour, like those that have been bitten by vipers, and his gall flows as thick in him as oil in a poisoned stomach.

The carpet is a rich mulberry brown, day-bed a reproduction of an antique, painted in faded greens with panier fleuri design on back, in lovely faded colours, taffeta cushions of sage green and an occasional note about the room of mulberry and dull blue. Electric light shades are of decorated parchment paper.

A damned rebel, and that's enough for me." He flung a command at his dragoons. "Out with him, my lads." Mr. Blood got between the day-bed and the troopers. "In the name of humanity, sir!" said he, on a note of anger. "This is England, not Tangiers. The gentleman is in sore case. He may not be moved without peril to his life." Captain Hobart was amused.

Lady Queenie, rushing off again, pushed several more switches, and from a thick cluster of bulbs in front of a large mirror at the end of the room there fell dazzling sheets of light. A footman presented himself. "Push the day-bed right away towards the window," she commanded. The footman inclined and obeyed, and the lance-corporal superiorly helped him.

All about her, warm with candle-light, lay the gracious loveliness of the little room with its dark waxed furniture, its bright glazed chintz, its narrow bed with the cool linen sheets smelling of lavender, and its straight, patterned curtains oh, that hateful, mustard-coloured den at home, with its golden-oak day-bed! She wrung her hands suddenly in a little hunted gesture.

The result of this artistic simplicity is a restful sense of space. If you wish to use twin beds and have not wall space for them, treat one like a couch or day-bed.

But, as I have said, Marian, in her own arms, did carry my lady up-stairs to her chamber, and laid her on the day-bed. "Nay, honey," saith Marian; "it is I, thy Marian, thy nurse." Then said my lady, "Ay, nurse; but my brother, he is below is't not so?" But when Marian shook her head, my lady sate up on the day-bed and caught hold of her short curls, and cried out, "I have banished him!

Blood, at the head of the day-bed, looked over his shoulder to take stock of the invaders. The officer barked an order, which brought his men to an attentive halt, then swaggered forward, his gloved hand bearing down the pummel of his sword, his spurs jingling musically as he moved. He announced his authority to the yeoman. "I am Captain Hobart, of Colonel Kirke's dragoons.

And in the bewildering voluptuous brightness and luxury of the room G.J. had the sensation of being a poor, baffled ghost groping in the night of existence. Concepcion's left arm slipped over the edge of the day-bed and hung limp and pale, the curved fingers touching the carpet.