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In 1879 Sir Henry Irving had thought the play too costly to be produced with more than a succes d'estime; but in 1891 he put it on the stage, where it proved the most successful of modern poetic dramas. As published it is, obviously, far too long for public performance. It is not easy to understand why dramatic poets always make their works so much too long.

She added that Her Majesty had deigned to show Baron Funke beaucoup d'estime, and again her face clouded over with sadness. The prince was silent and looked indifferent. Do you know that since your daughter came out everyone has been enraptured by her? They say she is amazingly beautiful." The prince bowed to signify his respect and gratitude.

Friends will rally round her, and she may perhaps discover with a touching surprise that the staunchest and truest are those of whom, in her days of brilliant prosperity, she thought the least. But a succès d'estime is soon exhausted.

In 'Harold' , Dr. Cowen attempted too ambitious a task. The tale of the conquest of England was ill suited to his delicate muse, and the opera achieved little more than a succès d'estime. His name is of course principally associated with the long series of light operas written in conjunction with Mr.

Need I have read further to learn that, as a composer, you can never achieve a succès d'estime, and that your classical ideals are gone?

Only, if I have pleased them, it cannot have been in any case more than a succes d'estime; I have never aimed at any oratorical success. My only object is to light up for them a complicated and difficult subject. I respect myself too much, and I respect my class too much, to attempt rhetoric. My role is to help them to understand.

I should be sorry to fail, of course, especially on your account, but a succès d'estime is certain in your case, and my own personal following is large enough joined with the actual lovers of good drama to make the play pay for itself. Please come to my combination breakfast and luncheon, as you promised, and we can arrange dates and other details of the production, for my mind is made up.

Of living French composers Camille Saint Saëns is the unquestioned head, but he is known to fame principally by his successes in the concert-room. Many of his operas achieved only succès d'estime, though not one of them is without beauty of a high order. Over 'La Princesse Jaune' and 'Le Timbre d' Argent' there is no need to linger.

"And what, again, do they care for vulgar popularity? the approbation of the common herd of the bovine-headed multitude? No, no, it is the verdict of the polished world they seek it is fame éclat it is recognition from their peers. It may be only un succès d'estime all the more honorable!

"That will be all the better," returned the abbé, "for we shall then have an 'Orlando' and also an 'Orlandino." When Gluck arrived in Paris, he brought with him the finished opera of "Armide," which was produced at the Paris Grand Opera on September 23, 1777. At first it was merely a succès d'estime, but soon became immensely popular.