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Updated: August 14, 2024

Perpetually seeking laurels in new fields, in 1877 he made his debut as a sculptor. The marble group, "La Parque et l'Amour," signed G. Dore, won a succes d'estime, no more. In the following year was opened the great international exhibition on the Champ de Mars, Dore's enormous monumental vase being conspicuously placed over one of the porticoes.

She was of those very few who sincerely cannot write unless the mood be propitious; and her state of mind, the condition of her emotions, was very apt to influence her work for good or ill, as the case might be. But a succès d'estime fills no purses, and favorable reviews in the literary periodicals are not "negotiable paper."

After the immense success of "Faust," the doors of the Academy were opened wide to Gounod. On February 28, 1862, the "Reine de Saba" was produced, but was only a succès d'estime, the libretto by Gérard de Nerval not being fitted for a lyric tragedy.*

This had always had a recognition d'estime, as the French say; but in my final year it fell into the hands of a new instructor, who proceeded to glorify it by amplification.

Conant believed in her, and for the sake of the time when her books could be considered safe investments, was willing to lose a few dollars during the time of her apprenticeship. For the tales had enjoyed only a fleeting succès d'estime. Her style was, like her temperament, delicately constructed and of extreme refinement, not the style to appeal to the masses.

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