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Updated: August 5, 2024

What would he say could he see my valet, my butler, my French cook? Would he admire and appreciate my paintings, my objets d'art, my rugs and tapestries, my rare old furniture? As an intelligent man he would undoubtedly have the good taste to realize their value and take satisfaction in their beauty; but would he be glad that I possessed them? That is a question.

It was full of fine pictures and objets d'art, and though the furniture dated from the time of Alexander II., and even a little earlier when a flood of frightful taste pervaded all Europe still the stuffs and the colors were beautiful and rich, and time had softened their crudity into a harmonious whole.

It was a happy moment for the artist; it was an unhappy moment for M. Percerin, who was walking behind Fouquet, and was engaged in admiring, in Lebrun's painting, the suit that he had made for his majesty, a perfect objet d'art, as he called it, which was not to be matched except in the wardrobe of the surintendant.

On arriving at the house, de Vere was ushered up a flight of broad marble steps to a hall fitted on every side with almost priceless objets d'art and others, ushered to the cloak-room and out of it, butlered into the lunch-room and footmanned to a chair. As they entered, a lady already seated at the table turned to meet them. One glance was enough plenty.

I went towards the long corridor filled with priceless objets d'art, that led through various antechambers into the spacious music-room, and only at the mouth of this corridor did I next halt a moment in uncertainty. For this long corridor, lit faintly by high windows on the left from the verandah, was very narrow, owing to the mass of shelves and fancy tables it contained.

She directed at little Ogden, who was juggling aimlessly with a handsome objet d'art of the early Chinese school, a glance similar to that which had just disposed of his step-father. But Ogden required more than a glance to divert him from any pursuit in which he was interested. He shifted a deposit of candy from his right cheek to his left cheek, inspected Mrs.

The female body, even at its best is very defective in form; it has harsh curves and very clumsily distributed masses; compared to it the average milk-jug, or even cuspidor, is a thing of intelligent and gratifying design in brief, an objet d'art.

In this series of competitive trials eight different countries entered the lists. The prizes were twelve objets d'art placed at the disposal of Monsieur Tisseraud, the "director-general of agriculture and horticulture of France," and the jury selected to attend the trials.

I offered sympathy and witch-hazel, but she would have none of my offerings, and presently returned to her pies. "We can't eat all that pastry," I protested. "Professor Farrago said they were not for us to eat," she said, dusting each pie with powdered sugar. "Well, what are they for? The dog? Or are they simply objets d'art to adorn the shanty " "You annoy me," she said.

All this of course necessitated the moving of most of my furniture and objets d'art, as well as the emptying of H.'s much encumbered studio I having determined to keep but a small apartment in the east wing for private use.

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