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Now the lassies, Margaret and Helen, were in the mood for a ploy, and Margaret it was who scraped the little white powder from Helen's polished nail. "But," said Helen, "I will be my own cup-bearer, or maybe the charm will be a useless thing." And she took the old glass a rummer it was and she carried it very daintily to the boys and bowed.

Thor, full of wrath, again set the horn to his lips, and did his best to empty it; but on looking in found the liquor was only a little lower, so he resolved to make no further attempt, but gave back the horn to the cup-bearer.

High Olympus gives harmonious greeting To the hall where reigns his sire adored; Youth's bright goddess, with a blush at meeting, Gives the nectar to her lord." Hebe, the daughter of Juno, and goddess of youth, was cup-bearer to the gods. The usual story is that she resigned her office on becoming the wife of Hercules.

Arthur heard this, noblest of all kings; he called to him the Earl Kay, who was his steward and his relative; Beduer eke to him he called, he who was the king's cup-bearer.

A cup-bearer was kneeling on the ground at his feet, trying to collect the broken fragments of a costly Egyptian drinking-cup which the king had thrown down impatiently because its contents had not pleased his taste.

Malo, the adventurers set sail on Whit Sunday. Among them was the cup-bearer to the Dauphin, Claudius de Pont-Briand. As before, the strangers were well received by the Indians, and landed safely at Quebec.

"Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven." What! would you have had her a cup-bearer, like Hebe, or a messenger, like Hermes? Was the daughter of Jove and Ceres to be destined to a mere place in our household! Lady! she is the object of envy to half the goddesses. Bating our own bed, which she could not share, what lot more distinguished than hers?

One wonders that such a man was never canonized as a Saint; most certainly many people have received that name who did not deserve it nearly so well as he did. His mother was Osburh daughter of Oslac the King's cup-bearer, who came of the royal house of the Jutes in Wight.

Agias was catching glimpses of a little Olympus of his own an Olympus in which he was at once Zeus, Poseidon, and Apollo; Sesostris so he declared the lame cup-bearer Hephæstus; and in place of Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, were the smiles and laughter of Artemisia. Agias was head over ears in love with this pretty little cage-bird shut up in Pratinas's gloomy suite of rooms.

"I will not be ungrateful, Uliades, if thou stand by my side against the Spartan." "Thou art, then, bent upon this perilous hazard?" "Bent on driving Pausanias from Byzantium, or into Hades yes." "Touch!" said Uliades, holding out his right hand. "By Cypris, but these girls dance like the daughters of Oceanus; every step undulates as a wave." Antagoras motioned to his cup-bearer.