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They are tough, the germs of these little bodies, said the Master. Three hours' boiling has n't killed 'em. Now, then, let us see what has been the effect of six hours' boiling. He took up another flask just like the first, containing fluid and hermetically sealed in the same way. Boiled just three hours longer than the other, he said, six hours in all. This is the experimentum crucis.

And now concerning slaves, who seem to have been divided into three classes. The Aldius and Aldia, masculine and feminine, who were of a higher rank than other slaves. The Aldius could marry a free woman, while the slave marrying a free woman is punishable by death; and, as experimentum crucis, if an Aldius married an Aldia or a free woman, the children followed the father.

Unobservant of each other, they reached the Via Crucis, which leads up to S. Pietro in Montorio. Arrived at the terrace, they stood to look down on Rome. "After all, you are tired," said Mallard, when he had glanced at her. "Indeed I am not." "But you are hungry. We have been forgetting that it is luncheon-time." "I pay little attention to such hours. One can always get something to eat."

At first he yielded willingly enough to the pressure of his surroundings, glad to escape from thoughts of the past and speculations about the future; but it was impossible for him to lose his footing in such an element, and at times he felt the lack of such companionship as de Crucis had given him.

And, as it was a matter of life and death with us, all risks must be run to show it. When the attempt was actually made, I had got reconciled to the prospect of it, and had no apprehensions as to the experiment; but in 1840, while my purpose was honest, and my grounds of reason satisfactory, I did nevertheless recognize that I was engaged in an experimentum crucis.

That adventure of mine was I think the most observable I have ever had, and, too, the greatest privilege to my soul: for here was I, if ever any man did, following the Cross of Christ in the passion of His servants such a Via Crucis as I have never made in any church for here was the very road along which so many hundreds of the Catholic martyrs had passed before; and at the end was waiting the very death by which they had died.

Whether this influence would be exerted for good or ill it was impossible to forecast; but much as Odo admired de Crucis, he could not forget that the Jesuit, by his own avowal, was still the servant of the greatest organised opposition to moral and intellectual freedom that the world had ever known. That this opposition was not always actively manifested Odo was well aware.

Odo lifted his head and saw de Crucis standing alone before him. "I am ready," he said. Where are the portraits of those who have perished in spite of their vows? One bright March day in the year 1783 the bells of Pianura began to ring at sunrise, and with their first peal the townsfolk were abroad. The city was already dressed for a festival.

Bala Lake, with its fishing-rights, once belonged to the Cistercian abbey of Basingwerk, while the Dee just above Llangollen was the property of the abbey of Valle Crucis, whose beautiful ruins still stand on its banks.

He was in his private apartments, with the abate de Crucis and several other learned men; among them the famous abate Crescenti, librarian to his Highness and author of the celebrated Chronicles of the Italian States. Happy indeed is the prince who surrounds himself with scholars instead of courtiers!