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He began to cross-question me in the most dignified and mysterious manner. By good luck I had a letter of recommendation from the government of Buenos Ayres to the commandant of Patagones. We took up our residence in the rancho, or hovel, of a curious old Spaniard, who had served with Napoleon in the expedition against Russia.

Once outside the house, he hailed a cab, told the driver to jog around for an hour or two, and then land him at the Hotel. Once started, he settled back and began to cross-question himself, and to moralize over the situation. "I have seen prettier girls than this one, seen them in Ohio, in Texas, in Virginia City, and they never gave me an extra heart-beat. What is the matter with me now?

This narrative took a long time to deliver, as Mr Po-ho, though he professed to speak English fluently, had to search about for words to express himself, and Murray and Rogers had to cross-question him and make him repeat over and over again what he had said before they could comprehend his meaning.

There are many of them, and if we do not make haste to escape we shall all suffer the same fate as Achmet Zek." Mohammed Beyd listened in silence. How much of the unbeliever's story he might safely believe he did not know; but as it afforded him an excuse for deserting the village and making for the north he was not inclined to cross-question the Belgian too minutely.

The attorney then got up and began to cross-question him. "How long have you been a keeper?" "About a fortnight." "What do you get a week?" "Ten shillings." "Have you not lately been in London?" "I have." "What induced you to go to London?" "The hope of bettering my condition." "Were you not driven out of Machynlleth?" "I was not." "Why did you leave London?"

"Well, he told me he had once held a commission in the British Army and had seen service in diplomacy as military attaché. Then he got cashiered. He didn't go into particulars, and of course I didn't cross-question. He recited some weird experiences. He had been a cattle man in Australia and a horse-trader in Syria and had served the Sultan in Turkey.

Lieutenant Lanier, somewhat pale but entirely placid, occupied a chair to the left of that table, with Captain Sumter, as his troop commander and counsel, by his side. Captain Snaffle was in support of the post commander to cross-question if he saw fit. Barker, the adjutant, was present, as a matter of course.

It was at Natchez that you and those ruffianly boys ran off with Mr. Davidson's boat!" "That's all, your Honor," I remarked. "Take the witness, Mr. Davidson!" "But what right you have to cross-question me, I don't know!" commented Mrs. Daniver, addressing a passing sea-gull, and pulling down the corners of her mouth most forbiddingly.

I don't know yet what became of him, but I have my suspicions." "They say that he has been seen at Monaco." "Very likely. But I have nothing to do with that. Though he was my cousin, I am touched nearer in another place. Young Mr. Scarborough, who, I suspect, knows all about his brother, took upon himself to cross-question Mr. Annesley. Mr.

For the first of all the uncounted times that I had entered the hospital for now these many years, I crossed the threshold questioning myself in this manner, and doubting of my fitness to be there, or to be what I had been held to be in that place. Life had carried me gaily and swiftly, as it carries successful men. I had found no time, or made none, to cross-question the sources of conduct.