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"Perhaps you think that I have been very persistent to-night, that I have almost cross-examined you." "I don't blame you. It is natural that you wished to know more." "Yes, it is natural, because Mr. Arabian wants me to marry him." "To marry him!" Lady Sellingworth started forward impulsively. "Marry? He wants you you " "He loves me. He has asked me to marry him."

A European Power was on the Upper Nile: which? Some said it was the Belgians from the Congo; some that an Italian expedition had arrived; others thought that the strangers were French; others, again, believed in the Foreign Office it was a British expedition, after all. The Arab crew were cross-examined as to the flag they had seen. Their replies were inconclusive.

I will not trouble the reader with his details, for they were simply and exactly what I have already stated. He was badgered, bullied, cross-examined, but nothing could shake him.

I have never cross-examined her for a witness, or prosecuted her as an attorney, or pronounced sentence on her is a judge. I am her advocate and I am ready to defend her now even to you!" "John! ""I love her that is all there is of it!" "Suppose you wait a little longer." "I have waited too long already from necessity."

"Will you state to the jury what has been the effect of the knowledge of this wandering and evidently unsettled being, supposed to be her father, upon the mind of Miss Hawkins for so many years!" Question objected to. Question ruled out. Cross-examined. "Major Sellers, what is your occupation?"

The usual attempt to make Joan take the oath was made to the prisoner by Cauchon, and she was again cross-examined by Beaupère. Again questioned as to her voices, she said that without their permission she could not say what they said to her relating to the King.

As my sworn evidence, on which I was cross-examined in the Parnell Commission, showed, I had only ten evictions in six years among two thousand tenants. I should like to ask, in what class of life is there not more than one in twelve hundred that gets into financial troubles in a year? In the insurance world such a ratio of claims to premiums would make a perfect fortune to the companies.

On that day, in the office where a few years before fugitive slaves had been returned to their masters, Susan was questioned and cross-examined, and she felt akin to those slaves. Proudly she admitted that she had voted, that she had conferred with Judge Selden, that with or without his advice she would have attempted to vote to test women's right to the franchise.

Major Blank, the defendant's husband, was ruthlessly cross-examined by Sir Charles Russell, afterwards Lord Chief Justice of England, with a view to showing that he was the real thief. He made a very bad witness, and things looked black against him. The end was nearing, and every one anticipated a verdict in the plaintiff's favour, when there came a sudden change of scene.

"Will you state to the jury what has been the effect of the knowledge of this wandering and evidently unsettled being, supposed to be her father, upon the mind of Miss Hawkins for so many years!" Question objected to. Question ruled out. Cross-examined. "Major Sellers, what is your occupation?"