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It's oine of suspended animation. "`Blatheration, Terence, I cried at hearing this. `You'll be a case of suspended animation yoursilf by-and-bye. "`Faith, how's that? says he. `What do you mean? "`Why, whin you're hung, me bhoy! for your ignorance of your profession. Sure, one can say with half an eye the poor crayture is sufferin' from lumbago or peritonitas on the craynium, faith!

'Ye little crayture, she'd say to him with a sneer, 'it ill becomes you to drink and sing, and be making a man of yourself. If you were like O'Shaughnessy there, six foot three in his stockings 'Well, well, it looks like boasting; but no matter. Here's her health, anyway." "I knew you were tender in that quarter," said Power, "I heard it when quartered in Limerick."

I am ashamed and disgusted with you! "He thin prosayded to till what the poor crayture was sufferin' from, an' what d'ye think her complaint was, colonel? Jist give a guess, now, jist to oblige me, sure."

"I would not ha' taken't out o' yer teeth, lad, if ye had been ready; but one bound more would ha' put the beast beyond the reach o' a bullet." "Faix, Massan, ye desarve to be hanged for murther. Shure I was waitin' till the poor crayture got into the bushes, to give it a chance o' its life, before I fired.

"I see you're getting impatient, so I'll not stop to say what grief was in the parish when it was known; but troth, there never was seen the like before, not a crayture would lift a spade for two days, and there was more whiskey sold in that time than at the whole spring fair.

"`Bad cess to the obstinate cantankerous ould crayture, cried she, catching the poor sick woman by the scruff of the neck an' shakin' her violently backwards an' forrads, afther which she banged the poor thing violently on the sate of the chere. `Will ye now spake to their honours, or will ye not? Won't ye now?

"Get out of here! you are not worth being angry with." "Begorrah, it's your poor fri'nd in there!" said Garry O'Neil to the colonel. "What's the poor crayture parleyvooing about, instid of slaypin' loike a Christian whin he's got the chance? Sure, I'll have to stop his jaundering there, or he'll niver git betther!"

May the divvle fly away with me, but Peggy Flannagan can be obstinate in foith, whin she likes! "Terence Mahony and I then poked our noses into the corner of the room, the old hag stirrin' the turf fire on the hearth to give us a bit of loight; an' then we saw the ould crayture, who looked as broad as she was long, sittin' in a big armchere, an' starin' at us with large, open eyes.

So he came home privily by the Knockmaroon Park-gate. Poor little Sally rose into a sort of heroine. With a wild cry, and 'Oh, Charlie! she threw her arms about his neck; and the 'good little crayture, as Magnolia was wont to call her, had fainted. Nutter said nothing, but carried her in his arms to the sofa, and himself sobbed very violently for about a minute, supporting her tenderly.

It whipped away up the stairs, and they seen the big snout snorting out at them through the banisters, and a bare back on it the same as a pig; and the two cheeks on it as white as yer own, and away with it! And with that Mary Anne got a wakeness, and only for Willy Fennessy bein' in the kitchen an' ketching a hold of her, she'd have cracked her head on the range, the crayture!"