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If any should come into existence our individualistic friends would take care of the situation." "Pay gangsters to overturn governments?" "They would hardly be legitimate governments. Anyway, a man has a right to protect his property." "Albert," he complained querulously, "youre condemning civilization to death." "General," I said, "youre talking like a wildeyed crackpot.

So you and I and your team of tame scientists we're on our way to the Moon to save his reason." "Why save his reason?" asked Cochrane cynically. "If it makes him happy to be a crackpot " "It doesn't," said Holden, with his eyes still closed. He gulped. "Your job and a large part of my practice depends on keeping him out of a looney-bin.

They merely told him that Makann was a crackpot with a contemptible following of half-wits, and just wait till the election and see what happened. "I'm inclined to agree with Prince Trask," Bentrik said soberly. "And I'm afraid the election results will be a shock to us, not to Makann." He hadn't talked that way on the ship.

The more I strove to puzzle it out, the greater the puzzlement grew. 'Absurd! The rascal has had no more connection with St Paul than St Peter. The probability is that he's a crackpot; and if he isn't, he has some little game on foot in close association with the hunt of the oof-bird! which he tried to work off on me, but couldn't.

The fact seemed to him dangerous and appalling. His mind revolted at the idea of non-human creatures who could build ships and travel through space, but radars had reported the arrival of a ship, and there were official inquiries that nearly matched Vale's account, which was therefore not a mere crackpot claim to have seen the incredible.

Ultimately the crackpot inventor would get on the air and announce triumphantly that only part of his invention had been stolen, because he'd been too smart to write it down or tell anybody, and he wouldn't tell anybody not even a court the full details of his invention unless paid twenty-five million in cash down, and royalties afterward.

"Frasthor's a crackpot; no reputable psychologist or psychist gives his opinions a moment's consideration. And besides, we don't want to attack Psychological Hygiene. The people in it with whom we can do business are our safeguard; they've given all of us a clean bill of mental health, and we have papers to prove it.

Thorn, here, might like to hear the story that is, if it isn't classified." Colonel Dower chuckled. "Nothing classified about it. Just another crackpot inventor. Had a little suitcase that he claimed was a marvelous new power source. Wanted a million dollars cash for it, tax free, no strings attached, but he wouldn't show us what was in it. Not really very interesting."

He wasn't planning any raid; he was planning conquest, in the only way a great civilization can be conquered by subversion." "Yes," Harkaman put in. "Five years ago, when Dunnan started this programme, who was this Makann, anyhow?" "Nobody," Bentrik said. "A crackpot agitator in Drepplin; he had a coven of fellow-crackpots, who met in the back room of a saloon and had their office in a cigar box.

When Babs shook her head he said sardonically, "We are on the way to the Moon to stage a private production out of sheer cruelty. We're hired to rob a happy man of the luxury of feeling sorry for himself. We're under Holden's orders to cure a man of being a crackpot!" Babs hardly listened. She was too much filled with the zest of being where she'd never dared hope to be able to go.