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Updated: August 6, 2024

On the day that he entered Paris, the watch-word in the whole armies in the neighbourhood was Wellington, and the countersign Talavera. We have often heard Russian and Prussian officers say, "he is the hero of the war: we have conquered the French by main force, but his triumphs are the result of superior skill."

The weather was bad, a heavy mist had come up, and was so dark that I could hardly see my way. As I started on, a soldier yelled at me from the mist: "Halt! advance and give the countersign." I stopped immediately, almost scared out of my wits. "Come right up here," said the soldier, "or I'll blow you into eternity." I saw at once he was a rebel soldier. I knew not what to do.

Having courteously yelled out to the intruder to halt, and on being quietly assured that "a friend" went there, the alert sentry presented arms and called in solemn, stentorian accents upon his friend to "advance within six inches of the muzzle of this rifle and give the countersign!" It was due to a lucky accident that the officer knew the countersign, and was not buried next day.

He gave an answering whistle and soon a form cautiously appeared from among some bushes not far away. "Alto quien va?" called Clif before the newcomer had advanced a step. This was the challenge, meaning, "Who goes there?" The response came promptly: "Cuba!" This is the countersign of the insurgents, and Clif knew that it was the courier who had reached the appointed rendezvous.

Swinging to the saddle, he cantered down the road to the outskirts of the village. A sentinel stopped him, and a second time he gave the countersign. He was just moving forward again when some one emerged from the darkness back of the sentry and sharply called to him to stop. Steve knew that voice, would have known it among a thousand.

But I do suppose we had as good make tracks, for I don't want folks to know me yet. I'm plaguy sorry I let put that countersign of Old Clay too, but they won't onderstand it. Critters like the English, that know everything have generally weak eyes, from studyin' so hard.

* Hence it happened, that a post was sometimes confided to one who could not read the parole and countersign; expeditions failed, because commanding officers mistook on the map a river for a road, or woods for mountains; and the most secret orders were betrayed through the inability of those to whom they were entrusted to read them.

Citizens without the countersign,” answered Givens without a moment’s hesitation, and then to Calhoun, “Wheel and run for your life.” They both turned and clapped spurs to their horses, but not before the sentinel had fired. Calhoun heard a sharp exclamation of pain, and turning his head saw Givens tumble from his horse. He had carried his last mail.

"Vicksburg," I repeated, blandly, but authoritatively, endeavoring, as zealously as one of Christy's Minstrels, to assimilate my speech to any supposed predilection of the Ethiop vocal organs. "Halt dar! Countersign not correck," was the only answer. The bayonet still maintained a position which, in a military point of view, was impressive.

Dick was challenged, and on answering that he was a friend, was told to advance and give the countersign. He approached the sentinel, and when near him, said: "I am a patriot, but do not know the countersign. I wish to see General Putnam." "Who are you and why do you wish to see the general?" the sentinel asked. "My name is Dare, and I am a messenger from General Washington.

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