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Tallard had given orders to these troops on no account to leave their positions, nor to allow a single man even to quit them. Now, seeing his army defeated and in flight, he wished to countermand these orders. He was riding in hot haste to Blenheim to do so, with only two attendants, when all three were surrounded, recognised, and taken prisoners.

I have the dastaks authorizing its removal to Calcutta; they are signed by the Faujdar of Murshidabad. Has the Faujdar of where did you say?" "Of Hugli." "Has the Faujdar of Hugli power to countermand what the Faujdar of the capital has done?" "Why discuss that point?" said Diggle with a smile.

Minister Woodford cabled such requests to the government at Washington, to which it replied by refusing to recall General Lee under the present circumstances, or to countermand the orders for the despatch of war-vessels, making the representation that relief vessels are not fighting ships. March 5.

He walked round and round a city square watching the queer, shuffling old men with their trays of needles and pins, wrinkled-faced women with fortune-telling parrots, and silly young things prancing up and down, bent on mischief. Something about human beings bored him; he regretted exceedingly that he was one himself; and at the same tune he wished he might countermand the florist's order.

They refused, point-blank and absolutely, to admit that there was, or, could be, any symptom of unrest. He dared not make new posts for officers, for officers would grumble at enforced exile in the country districts, and the Government would get to hear of it, and countermand.

A small round table was set in a pleasant room on the first floor; a bright array of glass and silver glittered under the light of five wax-candles in a silver candelabrum; and the waiter was beginning to be nervous about the fish. "You may countermand the dinner," Mr. Dunbar said, with evident vexation: "I shall not dine till Mr.

The farmer had made a scarecrow of himself in a new suit of clothes, which he had ordered in honour of this important event, after a great deal of vacillation, and more than one countermand to the Malsham tailor who made the garments. At the last he was not quite clear in his mind as to whether he wanted the clothes, and the outlay was a serious one. Mrs.

Schwabe was obliged to acknowledge that he could not at that moment mention a single name; but he was ready to guarantee his Hochwurde that in an hour or two he would bring him the list. On this his Hochwurde consented to countermand the bearers. "Schwabe now rushed from house to house, obtaining a ready assent from all whom he found at home.

I have nothing to repent and nothing to conceal nothing to retract and nothing to countermand; but in the language of the learned Lord Chief Baron in this case, I could not admit 'the preposterous idea of thinking by deputy' any more than I could plead guilty to an indictment which charge others with crime.

"Captain Perry has his instructions," continued DeMille, turning to the captain. "Are we not acting along the lines marked out by Brewster himself?" "I will sail for Boston if you say the word," said the thoughtful captain. "But he is sure to countermand such an order." "He won't be able to, captain," cried "Subway" Smith, who had for some time been eager to join in the conversation.