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About a mile from town we halted, and leaving the carriages upon the road, crossed over into a small glade in the midst of the chaparral. It was as pretty a spot for our purpose as the heart could wish for, and had often, we were informed, been used for similar morning exercises that was, before chivalry had died out among the descendants of Cortez and the conquerors.

After wandering about for some hours, the party returned to their quarters, where Roger gave, through Malinche, to Cortez an account of what he had noticed. "There is nothing new in that," Cortez said. "We know that Montezuma has done all in his power to prevent us from coming, and that now he knows he has wasted his treasures in vain, he must feel no goodwill towards us.

The melting snow was a guarantee of springs and a man can endure three days without drinking if he must. I stretched myself between two large rocks just upward of the high-tide line, cursing stout Cortez and all those perniciously active souls who insisted on discovering the Pacific Ocean. Sleep did not at once come to my relief.

After he had left they celebrated their arrival in the city by a salute with their cannon, whose thunder added to the impression produced upon the natives by the tales they had heard of the prowess of their visitors, and heightened their belief in the supernatural powers of the Spaniards. The next day Cortez returned the emperor's visit.

The National Palace. The Cathedral. A whole Museum turned Saints. All kneel together. The San Carlos Academy of Arts. Reign of Carlos III The Mineria. The city of Mexico, as rebuilt by Cortéz, was but an humble affair.

Whole provinces, conquered and peopled by the followers of Cortez and Pizarro, have within the last fifty years been retaken from them by the Indians: and it would be very easy to prove, that had the descendants of the Spanish conquerors been left to themselves, another half century would have seen them driven from that very continent which their forefathers so easily conquered and so cruelly kept.

Why, he went to Cortez last week and they threatened his life!" Mrs. Gordon, who had listened, said, quietly: "Don't blame Curtis for that. That bloody affray at Beaver Canyon has made Cortez bitter against every one connected with the Heidlemanns." "What about this blackmail?" said her husband, upon whose ear the word had made a welcome impression.

All glory is His; but this I say, that I was His instrument in a more glorious work than that performed by thee incomparably more glorious. Cortez.

The transports, eighty in number, having embarked their freight, were directed to rendezvous in the road stead of Lobos, one hundred and twenty miles north of Vera Cruz; and when the whole had assembled, the fleet set sail for Los Sacrificios, the island where Cortez had landed in 1520, three miles south of the city.

I again mounted my horse, angry at being cheated. Though the day was a most lovely one, I rode home in fit humor to contrast the system of paganism which Cortéz introduced with the more poetical system which preceded it, and to compare these cast-off child's dolls with the allegorical images of the Aztecs.