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"I shall be in command of a patrol that is going out toward Sacrificios for a look at the gringos. Come on with me." This was precisely what Ned was wishing for, and, as they hurried along, he was pumped for all the news he had and a good deal more. In fact, he found it a task of some difficulty to obey the stern commands of General Morales and still keep within the truth.

Everybody I met on the way was civil enough, but these may be a different kind of fellows." Whether they were or not, the whole force under General Morales was in a state of unusual excitement that day, for the report was going around that the American army brought by Commodore Connor's fleet was rapidly coming ashore near Sacrificios Island, only three miles south of Vera Cruz.

The foremost ship had swerved suddenly from the track; and bearing sharply to the left, under the manege of a skilful helmsman, was running down under the shelter of Sacrificios. The next ship followed her guide, and the next, and the next; and, before the astonished multitude recovered from their surprise, the whole fleet had come to within pistol-shot of the island!

She brought to, waited for the boat and officer I sent, and the following conversation ensued : My Officer. "My orders are to ask you for your pilot." Lieutenant Cooke. "I want him to get to Sacrificios." My Officer. "It isn't a mere request I make you." Lieutenant Cooke. "If I don't give him up, shall you take him by force?" My Officer.

We buried him on the Sacrificios islet, that gloomy cemetery which later on the Zouaves christened the "Jardin d'Acclimatation." But little happened to vary the monotony of those weeks of waiting.

To the south we could distinguish the isle of Sacrificios, and the dark hulls that slept silently under the shelter of its coral reef.

After taking formal possession of the country, the Spaniards landed on an island called Los Sacrificios Island, from a sort of altar which they found there placed at the top of several steps, upon which lay the bodies of five Indians sacrificed since the preceding evening; their bodies were cut open, their hearts torn out, and both legs and arms cut off.

Before noon, we are entering the harbour of Vera Cruz. The little island and fort of San Juan de Ulúa just opposite the wharfs, the island of Sacrificios a little farther to the left. A level line of city-wall along the water's edge; and, visible above it, the flat roofs of the houses, and the towers and cupolas of many churches.

Before its echoes had subsided, a deafening cheer ran simultaneously through the fleet; and the ships, all together, as if impelled by some hidden and supernatural power, broke from their moorings, and dashed through the water with the velocity of the wind. Away to the north-west, in an exciting race; away for the island of Sacrificios!

Desde los más cultos centros de población hasta las aldeas más desconocidas se arrastra silenciosa y majestuosa una ola de opinión popular que aprueba y aplaude la educación femenina, al punto de que los más rudos sementereros envían a sus hijas a las ciudades a costa de los más imaginables sacrificios para que puedan escalar las cumbres más altas del saber, si a eso pudieran.