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"Humph!... Pretty flowery language.... Well, you don't need to send me any present, Henry; I didn't send you one." "When's the happy event to be?" he inquired, politely. "June. Fourth of June." "And do you know where you're going for your honeymoon?" "I don't like that word," said Mirabelle. "It sounds mushier than a corn-starch pudding.

Corn-starch may be used instead of flour. This makes a very nice filling for plain cup cake baked on jelly-cake tins. Whites of three eggs beaten to a stiff froth; quarter of a pound of sifted powdered sugar; a few drops of vanilla. Add the sugar to the whites. Have ready a hard-wood board which fits the oven. Wet the top well with boiling water, and cover it with sheets of letter-paper.

Have I eaten the plums and left nothing but the bread and milk and corn-starch, or whatever the horrible concoction is? I had it to-day for dinner. Pleasure, at least, I imagine pleasure pure and simple, pleasure crude, brutal and vulgar this poor flimsy delusion has lost all its charm. I shall never again care for certain things and indeed for certain persons.

Scald a quart of milk in a double boiler, and thicken it with two even tablespoonfuls of corn-starch dissolved in a little cold water, or the same amount of flour. Add a teaspoonful of salt, and a heaping tablespoonful of butter. Have ready a dozen slices of water toast, which, unless wanted quite rich, needs no butter.

Add to this one small cup of sugar and a pinch of salt, and put into a saucepan with a tablespoonful of water. Stir for a few minutes till smooth and glossy, and then pour in gradually one pint of milk and one of boiling water. Let all boil a minute. Dissolve one heaping teaspoonful of corn-starch or arrow-root in a little cold water, and add to the chocolate. Boil one minute, and serve.

One pint of molasses; one tablespoonful of butter; the juice of one lemon, or a large spoonful of vinegar. Boil twenty minutes. It may be thickened with a tablespoonful of corn-starch dissolved in a little cold water, but is good in either case. Cream half a cup of butter till very light, and add a heaping cup of sugar, beating both till white.

Dried peaches are treated in the same way. Three lemons, juice of all and the grated rind of two; two cups of sugar; three cups of boiling water; three tablespoonfuls of corn-starch dissolved in a little cold water; three eggs; a piece of butter the size of an egg. Pour the boiling water on the dissolved corn-starch, and boil for five minutes.

It would be out of place to say much about the luncheon: the bread and butter were good, and the pudding was interesting. I had the cook's word for it that the latter was made of corn-starch, but he volunteered no explanation of its color, which was nearly that of chocolate. But then, what do we climb mountains for, if not to see something out of the common course?

Pour one pint of boiling water into a farina boiler; add six tablespoonfuls of vinegar; place on the stove. Beat six eggs lightly. Mix, with a little cold water, two tablespoonfuls of mustard, two teaspoonfuls of salt, a pinch of cayenne pepper, and one heaping tablespoonful of corn-starch.

If a thicker broth is desired, one heaped tablespoonful of corn-starch or flour may be first dissolved in a little cold water; then a cup of the hot broth gradually mixed with it, and the whole added to the soup and boiled for five minutes. This soup needs careful attention.