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Updated: August 2, 2024

Moreover, the pyramid, which is the figure of fire, is more cutting than any other. The feeling of cold is produced by the larger particles of moisture outside the body trying to eject the smaller ones in the body which they compress. The struggle which arises between elements thus unnaturally brought together causes shivering.

This is an acute inflammation of the bronchial tubes, or air passages, and the treatment is almost identical with that for pneumonia; only applying the hot compress to the throat or chest, according to which part exhibits the most soreness. Shake until dissolved.

But, surely, it would be strange language to say, that I construct my heart! or that I propel the finer influences through my nerves! or that I compress my brain, and draw the curtains of sleep round my own eyes!

Athos took the letter from the hands of d'Artagnan, approached the lamp, set fire to the paper, and did not let go till it was reduced to a cinder. Then, calling Planchet, he said, "Now, my lad, you may claim your seven hundred livres, but you did not run much risk with such a note as that." "I am not to blame for having tried every means to compress it," said Planchet.

Rushing across the railroad bridge, she hastily descended the steps to the road below, crossed the tracks to the shed of the great compress, and entered by one of the large side doors. News of burning and pillage on Dry Pond had been conveyed to the workmen by another, and the news had brought confusion among them indescribable.

He is very nervous, and the least rustling affects his head." "Just as I feared," sighed the surgeon. "Martin, in one hour I shall return, to change the cold compress." Eugene entered the sleeping apartment of the duke, and his pleasure at being admitted to see his commander, was changed into anxiety, when he beheld the pale, careworn face of the duke, and saw his head enveloped in bandages.

O God! take our hearts and compress within them that pure love from thy own heart that will cause us to pray, "O God! enlarge our hearts." God would even pain our hearts with the fulness of his love until we find no ease except in expansion. "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them like wise." Luke 6:31. This is a good rule for every-day living.

On the farther side stood the bed on which Selene was lying; a few paces from it sat the deformed girl asleep, while dame Hannah softly went up to the patient with a wet compress in her hand which she carefully laid on her head. Pollux touched Arsinoe and whispered to her: "Your sister lies there in her sleep like an Ariadne deserted by Dionysus.

That will take down the swelling, replied the vicar, who was a little of a doctor himself. 'A compress? repeated Florence, wrinkling her forehead. 'But I never heard of one. I don't know how. 'Light a fire and boil some water, and then wring out some cloths in it, and put them on Cap's paw. Here is a boy who will make a fire for you, he added, beckoning to a lad who was passing outside.

The dread of a coming ordeal in the witness-box or on the operating-table may be forcibly crushed down like a child's jack-in-the-box; but we are always conscious of the effort to compress it, and we know that it will spring up again the moment that effort ceases.

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