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Todborough lies dangerously near to that most popular of watering-places, Commonstone," observed Cottrell; "and there is always attractive mettle to be found there." "But I don't intend we shall ever go near it," replied her ladyship quickly. "We'll make up riding parties, plan excursions to Trotbury, and so on.

"Rather a sudden change in the wind," said Lionel Beauchamp, as he lit Miss Bloxam's candle in the hall: "instead of being dead against, it seems to be blowing quite a gale in the direction of the Commonstone ball. I suppose you will go too, if the rest do?" "Yes," she replied mendaciously.

I do not mean to say that he would interfere to such an extent as to either make or mar the wedding; but to take part with the conspirators and coerce Lady Mary into going to this Commonstone ball was a bit of mischief quite in his way.

Besides, surely you have had plenty of dancing in London, to say nothing of heaps more in perspective." "Dancing!" replied the girl, with a shrug of her shoulders. "I don't call a London ball dancing. One jigs round and round in a place about ten feet square, but one never gets a really good spin. We have been at Commonstone balls before.

"I am so sorry we shall not see you at the Commonstone ball, Captain Bloxam," said Miss Sylla, with whom Jim had entered into conversation. "Why so? What makes you think I shall not be there?" "Because your mamma has brought you down here for the repairing of your shattered constitutions," replied the young lady, demurely. "Do you all go to bed at half-past ten?"

"It will be great fun, and I don't suppose a bit worse than any other of the Commonstone balls; and we have always gone to them, you know." "Yes, but that's a very different thing from an Easter Monday ball. Of course you and any of the gentlemen of the party can go. You will have great fun, no doubt." "But," urged Jim, "we are a large party, and can keep to ourselves, you know.

Cottrell; but, dear me! they have begun to talk about that horrid ball again at the bottom of the table, have they not?" "I say, mother," exclaimed Jim Bloxam, "of course we are all going to this Commonstone ball on Monday?" "Nonsense! I am surprised at your thinking of such a thing. The idea of our going to a Commonstone ball on Easter Monday!

Upon an adjournment, Jim Bloxam strongly urged that those of the party who were not for a tramp to Rockcliffe should drive into Commonstone, and ascertain if there was anything going on that was likely to be worth their attention.

Why, you know we always did go to the Commonstone balls; besides, Mrs. Sartoris expressed " "Don't talk to me about what Mrs. Sartoris expressed," interrupted Lady Mary sharply; "that woman is evidently one of the fast school, and I am very sorry for Blanche's sake that I asked her down here at all." This was a most unjustified accusation against poor little Mrs.

She was conscious of gross tergiversation, of having ratted shamefully; for that merry party in the afternoon, as they stood in the camp of Rockcliffe overlooking Commonstone, had, one and all, vowed to foot it merrily in the town-hall on Easter Monday, and agreed that for real lovers of dancing a country ball beat a London one all to pieces.