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The dead included John Berkeley, a mason, two wives, three children and "Joseph Fitch Apothecary to Doctor Pots." This was the end of the project although the Company demonstrated, for a time, its intention to resume this work which was considered basic for the Colony's welfare.

Though Father Labat may have drawn the longbow intentionally, some of the country houses erected by the sugar planters in the heyday of the colony's riotous prosperity are really very fine indeed, although at present they have mostly changed hands, or been left derelict.

Moreover, of the exports at the time when the public works policy was initiated, about half were represented by gold, which now represents but a tenth of the Colony's exports. Again, the product of the workshops and factories of the Colony are now estimated at above ten millions annually, most of which is consumed in New Zealand, and therefore does not figure in the exports.

Thus I have, to the best of my Knowledge and judgment, examined the Truth of the Tradition, concerning Prince Madog ab Owen Gwynedd, and his Colony's Emigration, about the Year of Christ 1170; and, I presume, have shewn, contrary to the assertions of Lord Lyttelton and Dr. Robertson, that there always were, and that there still are Monuments, Vestiges, and memorials of that Event in America.

During the second year of the joint colony's existence, an Irschchan youngling was exploring in the mountains alone, contrary to all colony rules. He vanished, and search parties found no trace of him. He was presumed dead after a standard week, due to the bitterly cold weather. "It surprised everyone, to put it mildly, when he showed up in excellent health a month after the search was abandoned.

In 1622, after the memorable massacre of that year, there were but 1258 persons in the colony and during the next few years there was no increase in the population. The immigration to Virginia of free families of humble means began in the early years of the colony's existence, and continued throughout the 17th century.

John Woolston, who had read law, was named Attorney-General, or colony's Attorney, as the office was more modestly styled; to which duties he added those of surveyor-general. Charles received his salary, which was two hundred and fifty dollars, being in need of it. The question of salary, as respects the governor, was also settled.

The average density of population throughout the Colony's 104,000 square miles is somewhat less than eight to the mile. Two-thirds of the New Zealanders live in the country, in villages, or in towns of less than 5,000 inhabitants. Even the larger towns cover, taken together, about seventy square miles of ground not very cramping limits for a quarter of a million of people.

At the time of the Revolutionary War the distinction had become marked, and the prosperous middle class farmers were in no way allied to the degraded poor whites. During the first seventeen years of the colony's existence the character of immigration was different from that of succeeding periods. Virginia was at this time ruled by a private trading company.

But a great cargo of two or three hundred slaves which followed in the same year reached port only in time for the vessel to be captured by the English fleet which took possession of New Netherland and converted it into the province of New York. The change of the flag was very slow in bringing any pronounced change in the colony's general régime.