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Hooper swallowed his spittle and leaned forward intently. "Vickery touched me on the knee again. He was clickin' his four false teeth with his jaw down like an enteric at the last kick. 'Are you sure? says he. 'Sure, I says, 'didn't you 'ear Dawson give tongue? Why, it's the woman herself. 'I was sure before, he says, 'but I brought you to make sure. Will you come again with me to-morrow?

No details was ordered to accompany Master Vickery. He was told off first person singular as a unit -by himself." The marine whistled penetratingly. "That's what I thought," said Pyecroft. "I went ashore with him in the cutter an' 'e asked me to walk through the station. He was clickin' audibly, but otherwise seemed happy-ish.

Swiftly she changed the position of a Turkish rug so as to hide a spot on the polished floor that had been recently scrubbed and was still moist. It seemed best to discover Nora's plan of campaign before taking over the charge of affairs. "Many's the time I've met yuh goin' down the Avenoo with your heels clickin' an' your head high," came the rich brogue of Nora O'Flannigan.

'Don't it seem to you she's lookin' for somebody? That was in the Gardens again, with the South-Easter blowin' as we were makin' our desperate round. 'She's lookin' for me, he says, stoppin' dead under a lamp an' clickin'. When he wasn't drinkin', in which case all 'is teeth clicked on the glass, 'e was clickin' 'is four false teeth like a Marconi ticker.

No, sir; kept us off with poles an' asked for me. "When I got in clost they told me the Rosan had found you, and handed me an envelope with a message inside of it. Just as I was goin' away there came the most awful clickin' an' flashin' amidships I ever saw " "Wireless," said Code. "Wal, I've heard of it, but I never see it before; an' I come away as quick as I could."

The women were rockin' in rows, their di'mond belts clickin', an' the tears runnin' out betune their hands, an' the lights were goin' lower an' dharker. Thin there was a blaze like lightnin' from the roof, an' that showed me the inside av the palanquin, an' at the end where my foot was, stood the livin' spit an' image o' mysilf worked on the linin'. This man here, ut was."

"So we kep' to work, and in a minute, cheery ag'in with the hammers click, clickin' and every now and then the boys 'ud strike up a singin' something'. 'Beyond the River, and 'Homeward Bound. "It sounded dredful purty down thar' by the water, with the water and the wideness all around sorter softenin' of it. It made a man feel curious and wishful somehow.

Yo'd come on a bit o' creakin' wood windlass like a well-head, an' you was let down i' th' bight of a rope, fendin' yoursen off the side wi' one hand, carryin' a candle stuck in a lump o' clay with t'other, an' clickin' hold of a rope with t'other hand." "An' that's three of them," said Mulvaney. "Must be a good climate in those parts." Learoyd took no heed.

The women were rockin' in rows, their di'mond belts clickin', an' the tears runnin' out betune their hands, an' the lights were goin' lower an' dharker. Thin there was a blaze like lightnin' from the roof, an' that showed me the inside av the palanquin, an' at the end where my foot was, stood the livin' spit an' image o' mysilf worked on the linin'. This man here, ut was.

"'Then what have you done that signifies? I said. 'What's the rest of it? "'The rest, 'e says, 'is silence, an' he shook 'ands and went clickin' into Simons Town station." "Did he stop to see Mrs. Bathurst at Worcester?" I asked. "It's not known. He reported at Bloemfontein, saw the ammunition into the trucks, and then 'e disappeared.